Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [vb infin] [pron] do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Which does n't mean that they 're gon na do it does it ?
2 And one of the jobs we 're gon na give you to do we 're gon na give you one little piece of a pot and a picture and you have to try and work out which pot that the little pieces came from .
3 I do n't , I du n no cos I do n't really know her , I do n't really know her and all this , I was gon na say something , but I do n't really know him , so I was gon na ask him does he fancy Sukey
4 Erm but I 'm hoping that one day he 'll see I know he 's seen my work and I think I 've got a sneaking suspicion that when he came in here he was gon na ask me to do it .
5 Yes that 's what I was gon na ask you do you arrive early morning or do you move in the Sunday night .
6 Is it actually gon na help me do my job better ?
7 can say to the individual , This training course is gon na help you do your job better in this , this
8 I knew she was gon na say which do you
9 Yeah gone on it , I do n't know why , I said to our how many years is it gon na take you to do it ?
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