Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was not until the Metropolitan Railway was linked to this line at Paddington , thus enabling through trains to run to the City .
2 Obviously completing joint statements booking in time to go on the computers to get them typed up nicely
3 That had seemed natural to Stephen , the way things should be : his father working and then emerging from his work , all three of them walking on the beach , or walking to Badstoneleigh to go to the Pavilion , or having tea on Stephen 's birthday in the Spinning Wheel , or going to see Somerset play .
4 One day , Walton relates , as he was walking to Salisbury to worship in the Cathedral and play music with his friends ,
5 Finally he took me in to his office and said he was looking for Girls to work at the Winter Gardens , Blackpool .
6 ‘ The Occupational therapy department are looking for things to put on the wall , whereas for the elderly patients themselves , it is just the process of working that they find enjoyable .
7 The truth is , if we were looking for people to blame for the fact that the once-great club are now Division Three favourites , referee Brian Coddington would come a long way down the list .
8 If the plug is pulled on the tour , there 'll be a scramble to replace the Boks … but I believe the RFU are already looking to France to step into the breach .
9 The aim of the Community Laundry Service is to help people who are incontinent or have other medical conditions and are living at home to cope with the practical problem of laundering bed sheets .
10 They were all in a room near the adjutant 's office , waiting for Woolley to get off the phone to Corps H.Q. and tell them where the day 's flying would be .
11 Jessamy had been thinking about it while she had been waiting for Julius to return with the blankets , and she thought she knew the answer .
12 It is seen at Harman 's Cross waiting for passengers to arrive off the train to take them on to Corfe Castle .
13 It was ready now , waiting for John to sit at the table .
14 The divine was always there , waiting like lightning to break through the cloud , to be earthed by the conductors of worship , of the altar , the church building , the saint , alive or dead .
15 Yet how many people this Christmas will be going into debt to pay for the festive season ?
16 If you are going somewhere then you have to know where you are going in order to point in the right direction .
17 She was lifted bodily aboard by two sailors and carried down to a panelled cabin where she and Maria Candida were to live during the voyage ; and when she had been helped out of her clothes and into simpler garments that were more suited to life on board ship , she insisted upon going on deck to watch from the aftercastle as the mariners sang at the capstan and the anchors were weighed .
18 ‘ I 'm going to Alès to work in the municipal library , ’ she replied .
19 Young Gilbey 's passion was cars and he skipped going to university to move to the bright lights of London .
20 My youngest son , Joseph , is very interested in history , and we are going to Hue to look at the Imperial City and watch the emperor perform the traditional ceremonies of Tet . "
21 Calendars , it seems , have almost become McGairy 's stock in trade for here as openers there are the original watercolours for Great Ayton and Saltburn Beach both selling at £160 to set alongside the sepia reproduction of Gunnerside and Staithes and Cowbar from the ICI Kennelix Oilfield Calendar , also of 1992 .
22 We are so accustomed to focussing on language , that there is a strong tendency in teaching with video to focus on the words in the same way we do with audio .
23 Cram wo n't be staying in Sheffield to compete in the UK Championships and David Sharpe , his training partner , will be absent too .
24 The son of a highly respected medical practitioner in the Sacred Heart parish in Leeds , he was educated by the Benedictines at Fort Augustus before proceeding to Ushaw to prepare for the priesthood .
25 The co-ordinating council of the officers ' assemblies set up in January [ see p. 38730 ] sent a message to the summit calling on delegates to agree on the draft proposals on military issues , to halt troop withdrawal from eastern Europe until social protection for servicemen could be assured , and to maintain the military at an adequate level for defence .
26 We were obliged to open a crèche because we found girls staying at home to look after the babies .
27 An aeration feature is also incorporated , drawing in air to mix with the output water .
28 And she has a hundred and forty and he 's gotten of cans for the his mum and Stewart 's been getting some cans for the shop for his granddad and I 've been asking for permission to go into the dump and get some for there .
29 Turns out , Deardrie , she 's applied to be an astronaut — I remember seeing the advert , asking for people to go to the moon — it 's not that I 'm jealous , but why did n't she ask me first ?
30 His first important commission , the mural for Morley College , meant starting from scratch , travelling to Italy to learn about the fresco .
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