Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [pron] [pron] [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 " And she says there is no point in praying to someone who does n't exist . "
2 I 'm looking for somebody who has n't had their hand up this lesson , Jennifer ?
3 We engaged in the game of looking for something which did not exist .
4 Sometimes you can see the results of this decay on the corporation landscape — scaffolding canopies thrown around the base of tower blocks to catch falling concrete , the cracked and corroded corners which drop off like snow , but unless you are looking for it you do n't notice it .
5 Of course , when Mother was living with me I did n't go to the club every night .
6 I do n't know , when I used to go swimming with her I did n't I did n't know .
7 According to them he did not kiss Jacob , but bit him on the neck !
8 For if the willingness is there , the gift is acceptable according to what one has , not according to what he does not have .
9 By resigning Bornhausen broke a pact which all ministers had signed on Aug. 25 , according to which they undertook not to resign until an impeachment vote was held .
10 How can we allow for the possibility that someone might request an opinion antagonistically , by picking on someone who does not want to speak ?
11 The Confait Case ( 1977 ) illustrated how innocent suspects could be pressurised into confessing to something they had not done in the face of sophisticated techniques of interrogation and rather less sophisticated threats .
12 No use looking at me I have n't got any answers for it
13 that 's saves her paying for it herself do n't it ?
14 Sara used to spy on the boys but if she ever had anything going for her I did n't know about it . ’
15 He had a tie there 's drawers full of stuff upstairs belonging to him I do n't know if there 's anything in there .
16 I , I do n't know how they get there but they know how our army works , we know how their army works , we can not hide manoeuvre 's and every army in the world knows the manoeuvre 's I 've been on one big NATO manoeuvre out in Germany right , and you 're saying to me they do n't know how I , how each army works
17 I wish Kelvin was here ah ah ah Oh I hope the tape recorder can pick this up , because , erm The wind keeps coming at me I do n't even though why I 've come sho oh yeah , I wan na buy something , do n't I ? so what I say now to people , when they say something to me , I go I go and I say no actually I 'm not but never mind .
18 ‘ When I saw Honey End and Greek Scholar coming at me I did n't think they could catch up but I gave Foinavon one more slap just in case as we jumped the last .
19 There are two dangers to be avoided , if you can avoid them , in the choice of chambers : reading with someone who is too busy , who can not spare the time to give you instruction , except possibly over a snack lunch , and reading with someone who has not enough work to give you proper experience .
20 95% of the time I 'm arguing for something I do n't believe .
21 Well you see they 're always talking about what we do n't get in this country , they do n't tell you what they do n't bloody get abroad .
22 It is n't very long Should n't be in there long just a matter of signing all the things , checking all the details over , putting in what he has n't filled in already .
23 Stop talking to him I do n't want him on my tape , it 's a waste .
24 I think that makes it difficult because if you are talking to somebody you do n't know whether you 're going to have a bad pain during your conversation …
25 I 've tried to slow down my pattern of speech , I 've tried to simplify my vocabulary , and certain methods of when you 're talking to someone you do n't tower over them , you try and squat to his level or you give instructions in certain ways to certain classes .
26 I kept thinking to myself I do n't bloody want this bloody operation I might have
27 An icy wind was blowing , but the moment Modi saw me he came and said , quite casually , as if referring to something he did n't need in the least : ‘ Look here , I 'll sell you my overcoat , it 's much too big for me and should fit you nicely . ’ ’
28 The songs from Snoopy and The Nightingale are not so immediately appealing to anyone who does n't know the shows , but the casts are strong and put the numbers across with confidence and verve .
29 And apparently her view now is that because the Government ha have said , anybody who is interested in becoming a in nineteen ninety three , must register an interest on sixteenth this year , which is really , that 's , you know , there legislating for what they have n't got any power in nineteen ninety three .
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