Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [pron] [verb] up the " in BNC.

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1 A neighbouring school may decide to cut back on special needs provision or transport to the swimming baths or some other expensive provision and an influx of recruits from that school may be looking to you to pick up the bills .
2 Would you give them a hundred thousand pounds worth of life cover for a shorter period , looking at them making up the difference perhaps later when they could afford it , or would you give them initially a reduced amount of life cover , say eighty thousand , for the eighteen years ?
3 Well , it was always worth looking at who put up the route up .
4 I was n't really listening , just waiting for her to pick up the phone . ’
5 She had been waiting for him to bring up the subject and was not surprised when he did so that very evening , although not , as she had anticipated , because of the eminently satisfactory report from her gynaecologist but for another reason altogether .
6 I 'm waiting on him picking up the machine .
7 Explain to your secretary what you are doing as you fill up the waste bins .
8 Soon Alejandro was venting his hangover on all the staff , yelling at them to tidy up the place and all the ponies .
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