Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] [that] [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It appears to be the commission 's way of making clear that it sees a huge chasm between recreational hacking and hacking for more sinister purposes .
2 They are both friendly and helpful and take an interest in their guests itineraries making sure that everyone makes the most of their stay .
3 Much emphasis was put on the importance of identifying the key decision-takers and making sure that they had the right information — much was made of the necessity of their getting a balanced picture on which to take their decisions .
4 What the right hon. Gentleman should bear in mind , if he cares about real prosperity for this country , is making sure that we get the economic basics of inflation and the exchange rate correct so that we can get sustainable investment for the long term , not the short-term gimmicks that the right hon. Gentleman embraces .
5 and as bread winners for your family , and the way we do that is making sure that we have a parliamentary Labour Party of men and women , and that we 're a party of men and women at all levels , and all
6 That moves neatly on to making sure that we have the right people to do the job .
7 And what we 're trying to do is to give him this family feeling that everybody behind here , the whole team , every single worker is rooting for him and making sure that he has the best .
8 Then say that they all returned to bed , and deal out the cards into four piles face downwards , making sure that you keep the order of the piles the same .
9 If you think that Chronic Urethritis may be a problem , you can help yourself by taking the following measures : drinking a glass of water before you have intercourse , so that you fill your bladder ; making sure that you use a vaginal lubricant and relax as much as possible ; and the by remembering to empty your bladder soon after intercourse .
10 I am committed to making sure that you have the premises , the technology and the support to make these changes .
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