Example sentences of "[v-ing] [verb] it [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To extend a statute to a regrettably omitted case looks like legislation , whereas refusing to extend it to a casus male inclusus is more like imposing a provisional fetter on legislation ( provisional , because Parliament can always come back and include the case expressly if it wants to ) .
2 Ken kept his sheet music in the one he had constructed in the small back bedroom , so fear of splashing kept it on the whole unused .
3 There are advantages in having it on your child 's birthday rather than the nearest weekend , in that it is a special day and it is fitting to have it as a day of celebration .
4 Last week a Department of Environment inspector heard a planning appeal seeking to change it into a nursing home .
5 The young men in the parliament have taken an oath of allegiance to the Lithuanian state , swearing to defend it to the death .
6 Thus from a very narrow and restricted expression there has been drawn a very wide and unrestricted principle , all based on the assumed purpose of Parliament and the perceived absurdity of seeking to effect it by the language in which Parliament actually chose to express it .
7 I was going to write it on the board for you
8 ‘ I 'm going to exhibit it in an art gallery in Paris soon . ’
9 But no one 's going to buy it with a mileage like that , are they ?
10 Although the original intention had been to formally assess the new curriculum before deciding to extend it to the rest of the school , various forces came into play to ensure that by 1987 the entire 160 strong intake was studying the new pathway course .
11 Because he 's going to give it to the manager
12 Like , here was his first big song and everybody had come to see it , and he 's not going to do it with a rhythm section — just acoustic guitar .
13 And we 're going to do it with a graph .
14 Because if we 're going to use it for the ragtime and er
15 By putting a premium on the use of it , then presumably , there are going to be fewer people who are going to use it over a period of time .
16 Cos if they 're going to fix it round the sink , he does n't know where they 're gon na put it .
17 ‘ We 're going to put it on the poster , Wes .
18 ’ Clearly , Adam was only reluctantly willing to share his plans with his parents , ‘ Since you ask , I 'm going to go down and take a look at it as soon as I can and then I 'm going to put it on the market . ’
19 If you do and they complete a report and give you their best advice you can still say no thank you I 'm going to put it in the building society .
20 This has a lovely , but er I think I 'm going to put it in the back because my er arrangement is rather heavy , and I do n't want it to fall over .
21 She was going to put it in the china vase , only one of the stage hands had left his lighter there for safe keeping , so she stuffed it between two books on the top shelf .
22 Oh we will unless we 've gone down the wrong hill We 'll have to practice the window cleaner one if you 're going to read it to the rest of the class , have to practice the face and read it with expression so they do n't all fall asleep oh hello , hi .
23 I was n't going to answer him back , even with ‘ He wanted to bring that lizard back — was he going to keep it for a pet ? ’ — not if he was going to be like that .
24 ‘ Well , you do n't think I 'm going to keep it in the fridge , do you ? ’
25 They 're going to turn it into a recreation ground . ’
26 No , a carol No it i I 'm not going to call it in the programme that , I 'm going to call it a song for everyone .
27 credit approvals now get taken up so quickly because the government does n't let much money borrow erm much money to be borrowed parish councils unfortunately so we need to do it fairly urgently if we 're going to get it on the list , I think the list is already about ten parish councils long .
28 ‘ How are we going to get it through the door ? ! ’ sighed Endill .
29 They 're not going to get it till the end of the notice period , which is twelve months , but we need the cash .
30 She said do well you do n't need any forms , cos it 's only you , we 're only going to alter it on the computer
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