Example sentences of "[v-ing] [be] [verb] [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Poynor noted that a ‘ naturalistic/realistic ’ style of acting is required for this play and that it is interesting for actors to ‘ play against character . ’
2 Having been reassured on this point , he had grudgingly accepted Ellen 's explanation that she had been given leave to visit him to see how he was coping alone , and had promptly put his daughter and her companion to work .
3 " It having been Stated to this Meeting that a regular Ferry from Skiba to Gartbreck would contribute much to the Convenience of Travellers " they agree " to Engage a proper person , who will engage to maintain a proper Ferry Boat ready at all reasonable times to Ferry passengers … "
4 The European Convention on Human Rights has not been made part of our law by statute , so it does not in itself create rights enforceable in our courts ; but having been ratified by this country it is binding on us as a matter of international law .
5 The UDA had been blamed for about one-third of the killings of civilians in Northern Ireland over the previous 23 years ( more than 2,000 civilians having been killed during this period ) .
6 1808 " It having been Represented to this Meeting that the Fund for raising the Militia men by a Publick Box was found Inadequate to raise the men , of course the Funds were found deficient by one Hundered and eight pounds 14/- … this Meeting consider themselves bound to advance upon this Deficiency the one half …
7 Having been nurtured in this way and observed adult males receiving the same treatment , boys may expect similar preferential treatment and where it is not offered automatically , demand it as a right .
8 Returning through Bologna he passed various tests for membership of the Accademia Filarmonica and was awarded a diploma , the conditions of entry , stipulating that members must be over the age of 20 , having been waived on this occasion .
9 Where ferreting is curtailed in this way you may be able to trap the entrance holes and snare the nearby runs ; you may also be able to crop the rabbits by night netting and by evening and night shooting .
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