Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] she [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A doctor jilted by a nurse took revenge by falsely diagnosing that she had the Aids virus .
2 ‘ If you wanted that you should n't have sent me somewhere tame , ’ Maggie pointed out , nearly laughing as she said the word .
3 Ruth was still laughing as she closed the bathroom door after her .
4 She was still praying as she emptied the bucket over the logs .
5 She closed her eyes , shuddering as she remembered the expression on his face just before he had driven away , and , unbidden , the words that Debbie had typed came flooding back .
6 ‘ Important to whom — to Master Peachey ? ’ demanded Anne , thereby suggesting that she held the opinions of their tutor in contempt .
7 Kiku was always pretending that she hated the stares of men , but in reality she was the vainest person alive .
8 ‘ No , it 's all right — ’ she cried , flushing when she felt the warmth of his fingers on her bare skin .
9 Kelly 's head was swimming as she left the racecourse .
10 ‘ I 'm not s-staying here , in this … this c-car … ’ she stuttered , trembling as she felt the warmth of his hard , firm body through his thin silk shirt .
11 Stella 's hands were trembling as she held the torch .
12 Claudia hardly saw Dana ; she left in the morning before her twin left her room , though more than once Claudia heard her moving about and she knew Dana was deliberately waiting until she left the flat before appearing to drink the coffee left ready for her .
13 She paced the floor , waiting until she judged the rooms would be full of people .
14 Her heart was racing before she pulled the door open .
15 Idiotically , her heart was racing when she reached the drawing-room .
16 Eve had written a very neat correct letter saying that she accepted the invitation with pleasure .
17 He ran after her , calling her name , but she ignored him and kept running until she reached the road .
18 Then acting like a fifteen-year-old girl now , she turned and ran along the path , around the ornamental clock , and kept running until she reached the east gate of the park .
19 OPHELIA has been sewing and she holds the garment .
20 ‘ I adore little Madge , ’ said Dame Edna , glaring after she closed the door and looking as if murder was more on her mind , ‘ but frankly , she gets too big for her boots sometimes .
21 Instinctively she took a step away from him , her senses reeling as she felt the blood drain away from her face , and heard the buzzing in her ears which forewarned her that she was near to fainting .
22 A child rated as ‘ attached ’ to its mother at nine months ( crying when she leaves the room , for example ) may express its attachment to her again at 18 months but through a quite different behavioural repertoire ( leaving mother but repeatedly checking back ) .
23 She smiled at her own ingenuity , the smile fading as she realized the ploy would only work if Worsdale was actually in the gallery .
24 ‘ Is that an order or a question ? ’ she asked , the mischievous light in her eyes fading as she saw the anxiety mirrored in his .
25 Last year he had thought Rose was exaggerating when she described the experience .
26 The mare 's breath was roaring as she reached the crest .
27 They 're leaving this place in the afternoon and we have another lot coming in , so Stella has arranged for Jean to attend to the chalets and bed changing while she does the barbecue at the end of the rafting . ’
28 Not even her grandmother 's Co-op book , which Moira was carrying when she left the house to go to the shop , was uncovered .
29 Mary 's heart was beating fast and her hands were shaking as she pushed the leaves away and found the key-hole .
30 Julie 's hand was shaking as she pushed the key into the ignition but she sucked in a deep breath and started the car , checking her rear-view mirror both for approaching traffic and , more particularly , for that Granada .
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