Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] they [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And the things is , they always laugh , they 're always laughing when they get on the train
2 ‘ A lot of people fell around the place laughing when they heard about the middle-aged poet bit , ’ he says .
3 As always , his knack of disarming was successful , and she was even laughing as they went into the foyer of the Tudor Queen where Sam and Anna awaited them .
4 Nevertheless , it is accepted that , appearing as they do in a penal statute , they fall to be construed narrowly rather than widely .
5 In the case of the letter and the drawer , the signs fail in their indexical function because , appearing as they do in an isolated expression , they simply direct us into a void .
6 Homology between DRP and dystrophin extends over their entire length , suggesting that they derive from a common ancestral gene .
7 The corporation was sustaining appalling production losses and Finniston wrote to each of the trade unions suggesting that they meet on the neutral territory of a Heathrow hotel .
8 The letter was dated almost a week previously , and as Merrill read it she realised with dismay that Richard was already in the area and was suggesting that they meet in the lounge of Frobishers ' at seven o'clock on Saturday — this evening .
9 The two men picked their way along the line with the aid of a torch , but before they reached the bridge the Sergeant switched it off suggesting that they tread on the wooden sleepers and as softly as possible .
10 Some of his little ways had indeed been quite surprising in the past , seeing that they ranged from the quartering of badgers , rescued from a baiting , in her coal-shed to the introduction of separate limbs and even of whole orphans for dissection when they were in good supply towards the end of winter ; but she had grown used to them little by little .
11 Validation of the suffering individual , treating him or her with kindness , professional respect and dignity , being open and honest , separating the awareness of the disease from the understanding of the suffering human being , following the distorted reasoning and disturbed actions and accepting that they appeared to the sufferer to be most appropriate at the time they were committed .
12 Younger first time buyers would find such a scheme an unnecessary burden since , presuming that they retired at the standard age , they would have to continue paying their mortgage for 30 or 40 years before the pension plan matured to pay it off .
13 Some of these should often be preserved ; use intelligent discretion , remembering that they belong to the client .
14 They needed no second bidding but rode as fast as they could , not pausing until they thundered through the half-open gate of Godstowe Priory , putting the porter into such serious agitation he appeared almost sober for once .
15 This is precisely what Robson , Jennings , and Willis were advocating since they argued for the rationalization of our haphazard arrangements for tribunals with an appellate jurisdiction vested in an administrative appeal tribunal which would be separate from the High Court .
16 She settled the old lady on a stretcher near the door , so that she could see the sunlit complex , and the happy holidaymakers laughing and shouting as they played in the pool , their conversations a mixture of Spanish and English .
17 He was still shouting as they walked past the barbed wire and the concrete blocks down to the waterline .
18 With a few exceptions , they said , most hornbills in captivity are not breeding , and many are given little chance to , living as they do without a mate or a nestbox .
19 The State has the obligation of ensuring this end by guaranteeing that homosexuals , living as they do in an ‘ abnormal ’ relationship , do not have the opportunity to influence directly the upbringing of children .
20 Across the water , the loud hailers were blaring and squealing as they had in the winter , when Tzani-bey had caught and herded the Order .
21 He was still grinning when they rode into the camp which had been built by the Moi in a bend of the slow-flowing river .
22 It starts raining and they rush for the car , where they have an afternoon sleep .
23 It was raining and they travelled on the bus in silence .
24 They suffered considerable prejudice and criticism , adding as they did to the already excessive pool of surplus urban labour , though in practice they concentrated in trades , such as tailoring , in which there was relatively little competition .
25 His mind recalled the familiar ambience of his trade ; men moving like black shadows behind the glare of the arc-lights the police cars tidily parked ; the flap of the screens , desultory voices conferring as they watched for the first lights of his approaching car .
26 An ambiguously worded provision , patently lacking adequate means of enforcement , may be too slender a ground on which to anticipate that the courts would sanction a derogation from the ownership rights of the shareholders , lying as they do at the foundation of the legal model of the company .
27 The Pentland Hills are viewed increasingly as an area with high recreational potential , lying as they do on the very doorstep of Edinburgh .
28 Maggie looked down and saw it moving at some speed ; dust flung up in a stream behind it and it was waiting as they taxied to a halt .
29 Soaked , muddy and dejected ; children crying and adults becoming ill-tempered ; people jostling , arguing and complaining as they slipped in the mud .
30 The plain fact of the matter , snobbish though it may sound , was that they were both unintelligent and ill-educated in comparison to myself , belonging as they did to a different social class from the one into which I had been co-opted at school .
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