Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The most we can get is convincing parallelisms between the two and the fact that some parallelisms are much more difficult than others and have hitherto not been attempted is no reason for denying that a choreographic genius like Massine has the right to attempt this .
2 Two weeks ago , President Askar Akayev , a quantum physicist by profession and a liberal of impeccable credentials , was forced to issue a statement denying that a mass deportation of Russians was planned .
3 There is also a re-issue of The Encyclopaedia of Golf Collectibles , revealing that a matched set of irons , ‘ Harmonised Irons ’ , could be obtained from MacGregor way back in 1926 , and that golf balls coloured oriole orange and canary yellow were available from Wilson in 1928 .
4 With long-term prisoners and lifers much of their work is centred on the understanding of offending behaviour and the risks of re-offending ; with others , the whole range of family and personal problems call for tact , understanding and a good deal of dogged , patient work .
5 To know what is happening when a small bit of wood is shifted , one must grasp the rules of chess and so grasp what move has been made .
6 In the matter of stop-and-search powers and cautioning decisions there is evidence suggesting that a disproportionate amount of black young males are stopped by the police .
7 However , Lilian Peters , seeing how hurt Mrs Miller was , said that she thought that it was a good idea and after suggesting that a weekly gathering of the evacuated mothers and their infants would also be an excellent idea , Mrs Miller sat down beaming , because she believed she had thought of it herself .
8 Once again , faith is understood as offering certainty , in this case what might be called ‘ intellectual certainty ’ , the consequence of accepting that a particular line of argument is overwhelmingly convincing .
9 He tried to tackle Gina about it , hinting that a young man like him needed sex from someone if he could n't get it at home .
10 ( It is worth noting in passing that a similar kind of question comes up for dancers as well as singers .
11 But we do not generally fall into the trap of believing that a statistical correlation between two variables demonstrates that one is the cause of the other ; it is assumed that the actuation of language change is multi-causal , and we have frequently demonstrated that the speaker-variables interact with one another ( that is , that no speaker-variable all by itself can ‘ explain' a given configuration of language ) .
12 There are quite good educational reasons for believing that a diverse spread of subjects is more suitable for the late twentieth-century academy than the traditional single-honours degree , as is suggested by experience in America , and in Britain in polytechnics and colleges of higher education .
13 When trying to date an early key , it is worth remembering that a distinctive feature of a Roman key is the placing of the bow horizontal in relation to the shank .
14 Economists are warning that a prolonged strike in the industry — one of the few sectors where the US enjoys a positive trade balance — would have a serious impact on the American trade deficit .
15 Iraq officially protested to the UN , and the USA sent a private " strongly worded " protest to Israel , warning that a military confrontation with Iraq could interfere with UN attempts to disarm the country , as well as wreck the chances of convening a peace conference .
16 She started to think that she had a vocation for taking heroic decisions , but it was really nothing more sustaining than a rabid kind of recklessness that erupted suddenly and then left her feeling bleak and inept .
17 Indeed , at this level they have the disturbing effect of implying that a whole range of tasks can be undertaken concurrently .
18 Because we were specifically looking at the assessment of children who presented to hospital with vomiting and a possible diagnosis of pyloric stenosis we excluded children admitted for other conditions who subsequently developed symptoms in hospital that led to a diagnosis of pyloric stenosis .
19 As a method it demands prolonged looking and a thorough examination of the surface counters of an image before response is made at the depth counter level .
20 Their main features are : a double thickness of fabric over the behind , incorporating two large zipped pockets , knee patches , two front zipped pockets , a zip fly with button fastening and a non-elasticated waistband with belt loops .
21 A human population of about sixty people make their living from crofting , knitting and a small amount of lobster-fishing .
22 But it is sobering to reflect that Bowes could devote so much time and energy to assembling his huge collections , a task that preoccupied him for many years , without apparently caring that a main source of his wealth , coal , was blighting lives and blighting the countryside .
23 When indifference as to terminology is a recurrent feature in the work of only one jurist , and when 80 per cent of all instances of this indifference are found in his work , there is considerable difficulty in supposing that a general rapprochement between legacy and trust had taken place .
24 Adding that a splendid show of numerous varieties of outdoor tomatoes at the Crystal Palace had recently caused some stir among market gardeners , Miss Buckland remarks that while awaiting cheaper and more plentiful fresh tomatoes " the tinned tomatoes from America and France answer fairly well for cooking purposes " .
25 Ignoring for the moment the force of the word ‘ really ’ in this argument , we can still feel confident that even if we give up talking of knowledge , granting that a necessary condition for knowing is unfulfilled , we can happily continue to talk about justified belief , distinguishing some beliefs as justified or as more justified than others and others as less justified or even completely unjustified .
26 Describing a large circle , she arrived back at the hastily abandoned camp , heart racing and a huge grin on her face .
27 A sneezing of brakes , a clash of gears , and it lumbered past , the driver glaring down , fingers twitching and a black hole for a mouth .
28 After five months of modifications , overhauling and a complete refurbishment by Stoddard 's own engineers and tuners , the latest Bonded Machine is on it 's way to the Wellco Corporation in Georgia .
29 The duty on an applicant to have recourse to ‘ effective and adequate ’ remedies extends to testing whether a possible avenue of redress will in fact operate to provide a remedy in his case .
30 The sickness peaks when the foetus is going though a rapid stage of development of limbs and organs , making it highly sensitive to toxins .
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