Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] it do [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Unix System Labs is apparently looking at the Tiny 386BSD boot disk ( the one that 's been circulating in the academia , which derives from Bill Jolitz 's work and is not from Berkeley System Design Inc ) checking that it does n't infringe their property rights .
2 Then , realising that it did n't take much for this man to get to her , she made sterner efforts to get herself more of one piece and , returning her hand to her lap , she drew out of nowhere , ‘ Not everybody can wear contact lenses , ’ and added for a touch of authenticity , ‘ I ca n't myself . ’
3 Secure employment will come from embracing new technology , not from pretending that it does not exist .
4 ‘ She wo n't come to the country , ’ I said — pretending that it did n't occur to me that there were other ways .
5 For example , in Malone v. Metropolitan Police Commissioner it was held that since there was no law against telephone tapping and it did not amount to any common law wrong , it was not unlawful for the police to engage in it .
6 I was drowning and it did n't hurt .
7 However , whilst both the HPV16 sequence and the HSV octamer could readily compete for binding of this protein , the HPV6 sequence could not do so confirming that it does not bind the cervical protein with high affinity ( Figure 4 ) .
8 The real question that the hon. Gentleman should put is to his own party : how will it keep tax and spending plans going if it does not have the benefit of privatisation revenues ?
9 It is no use having a racket for volleying if it does n't help other parts of your game . ’
10 Multi-strand , flexible , steel cable is particularly suited to winching because it does not kink so easily .
11 Fragmentation and excessive pace were also found to be important variables bearing on job satisfaction , with many workers , who did not find their work monotonous , stating that it did not absorb their full attention or that they found the pace of it too fast .
12 He had never before been accused of stealing and it did not sit well with him .
13 Turning points in relationships , too , are often mapped out in this way — a quarrel , a meeting , a reconciliation may mark the moment of ‘ conception ’ ; one knows that a new phase is beginning but it does not become openly apparent until this nine-month span has past .
14 Erm used for troubleshooting when it does n't start .
15 I meant who was it that was saying that it does n't matter ?
16 I received a few not so long ago complaining about this place , saying that it does not speak of God ; that it is a monument to a man-made religion ; that it ought to be pulled down and a block of flats built here instead , and the money spent on missionary work abroad .
17 The Tigers boycotted elections in November last year for the North-Eastern Provincial Council , the new body set up as a compromise to demands for self-rule , saying that it did not fulfil the aspirations of the Tamil people .
18 Meanwhile , the NSF led by former Prime Minister Petre Roman elected a new executive bureau on April 9 and condemned the NSF-22 December branch , saying that it did not exist as a party , but only " expressed an intention " .
19 The EC has approved the scheme , saying that it did not amount to state aid to industry .
20 Most interestingly however , the equivalent region of the HPV 6/11 URR was unable to compete for Oct-1 binding in these experiments , even at four hundred fold excess indicating that it does not represent a functional binding site for Oct-1 .
21 This may be temporarily quashing but it does not satisfy
22 Only a few years ago , in their efforts to quell the excessive and unhealthy use of laxatives , many doctors were insisting that it did not matter .
23 During negotiations between Syria and Israel the head of the Syrian delegation , Muwaffaq al-Allaf , was reported to have raised immediately the issue of UN Resolution 242 , stating that Israel continued to distort the interpretation of the resolution by claiming that it did not demand a withdrawal from the occupied territories .
24 15 of them , together with Austria , issued a formal objection to the conference 's final statement , claiming that it did not go far enough in setting goals for limiting global warming , or in guaranteeing aid to developing countries .
25 On Dec. 15 the Bissau government sent a protest note to the Senegalese authorities over the violation of its borders , reiterating that it did not provide support to the rebels .
26 A number of writers have sought to distinguish such a procedural challenge from the substantive challenge in cases such as Jordan arguing that it does not seek to limit Parliament 's area of power .
27 ‘ It 's a working breakfast which I have no intention of cancelling because it does n't fit in with your selfish plans . ’
28 There is no point in planning to re-use the memory on your old board and then discovering that it does n't fit the new one !
29 I 've tried ATM and softfont downloading but it does n't seem to work .
30 Strictly speaking , much of this walk is trespassing since it does n't follow recognised footpaths , but the land is rough grazing and wo n't suffer from the passage of a few feet .
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