Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] it [vb past] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 He had , however , chosen to publicise his act of departure , and this public disavowal , coinciding as it did with a ferocious government anti-communist crackdown , was inevitably interpreted as a treacherous stab in the back that could not pass unavenged .
2 Moreover , as he made clear , he found the measured pace and rhythm of the work especially congenial , coinciding as it did with a period of remarkable creative gestation .
3 They were speaking as it came to an end after just six hours of evidence .
4 Unfortunately , however , he could give no indication of an average contract value , saying that it depended on an individual company 's cost structure , and on how many services it required .
5 The UAE was reported to have reacted in a low-key manner to the Iranian takeover , coming as it did at a time when the Gulf states were hoping for improved relations with Iran .
6 President Scalfaro on July 30 described Scotti 's action as a sign that " factional interests " had been allowed to take priority , coming as it did at a time of national crisis .
7 And as England found to their cost only last month , it is an ideal which still thrives on the Continent , Norway 's equaliser coming as it did from a 30-yard out-of-the-blue effort .
8 It was though an important win for Armagh , coming as it did after a series of disappointments prior to Christmas .
9 It can not be described as a student-led movement , starting as it did on a wall located on a busy shopping street , rather than on one of the capital 's many campuses .
10 A door at the far end was a little ajar , showing that it led to a white-tiled wash-room .
11 Minority Constituent Assembly groups not consulted , along with PL and Social Conservative Party ( PSC ) delegates in the Congress , strongly criticized the pact , claiming that it amounted to a period of " presidential dictatorship " .
12 ‘ The swell was increasing and it seemed like an eternity .
13 He let the film run again , watching as it cut to a later moment when Fischer had interrupted the meeting to tell the T'ang about the fire .
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