Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 But he 's also saying is n't he at the end of this paragraph , or he 's implying that th this is this revolution is not happening because we the communists are making it happen , it is happening and we need to react to it and somehow we 've therefore got a choice , we can either trail behind or we can lead it .
2 ‘ Are you suggesting that I 've come to — ? ’
3 ‘ In the same way as some people might go to church and seek absolution , accepting that I have confessed to these sins makes me feel better .
4 As I said God did n't leave it like that , because God did in Jesus Christ what we could never do for ourselves , you see you and I at times we felt that I , I want to be different from that and we , and we pushed against one of these pressures and so that we pushed it out a wee bit , but as we 've pushed there it 's come back in somewhere else and as we 've stopped pushing and we 've gone to another bit so that first that has become , has come back as it was and we spend our lives perhaps running around trying to get the circle back again , it 's an impossible task , we ca n't do it , we spend our whole lives in the frustration things and we , and we start blaming on things , if only that situation was different , if only those circumstances were different , but it 's far , far , far more fundamental than that and we 've got ta come to the place where we say well I ca n't do any thing about it , I 've tried my hardest , but I ca n't do it , and that 's where God comes and says hang on a minute I 'll do it for you and that 's what he did in Jesus Christ , he did for us what we could n't do for ourselves , the bible tells us that Christ is the perfect image of God , it 's in Colossians one fifteen and just er full verses further on in verse nineteen it says in him all the fullness of God , in Jesus , all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell and so in Christ God 's son , God dealt with the problem of sin which had caused that twisting and that warping and that distortion , your life and in my life , that which spoiled his image in us he created us in his image , but you 've only got to look at people today , you 've only got to look at ourselves , see , where is the image of God , is that what God is like , jealous , filled with anger , bitterness , envy , is that what God is like , unclean thinking , is that what God is like that 's not his image , but he created us in his image perfect and what Jesus Christ did on the cross , is to restore that image , that original image in you and me , to recreate us in the image of God , so in
5 Strach is not quick enough to beat his full-back either — so as it is we have to rely to much on our full-backs overlapping if we want to get to the bye line .
6 I was wondering if you fancy going to Ming 's tomorrow evening ?
7 The mixture will leave young cricket-lovers wondering whether they want to ascend to the spotlight or make do safely with their humdrum jobs .
8 I 'm gon na get get on that settee and I ai n't moving when I 've seen to her .
9 We can also recognise , as we did , at an , on an earlier paper that it is national government policy and increasingly so , to encourage the development of capital schemes , borrowing , we noted that in relation to transport and the availability of S C A's I think it 's also right to say that the government does set down the level of borrowing which can be entered into in in any one year , that is the credit approvals are controlled by the government and they do make them available to the County Council and to district Councils , so in a sense , the government is both saying that we expect borrowing to be a feature of a budget and also that we want to control , and restrict the amount of money that can be borrowed through the amount of credit approvals .
10 Oh no , I mean the these were clients and they could never be friends after doing that I 've come to the conclusion you can either keep your money or you can keep your friends , but you 're not going to do both .
11 Right , right I know what you 're saying and you 've got to be very very careful .
12 This is something to bear in mind when choosing your hotel room in a Basque village : it is picturesque assuredly to have a view of the frontón from your window , but it might not seem such a good idea if they start playing when you want to go to sleep .
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