Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [pron] do [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Look , I 'm dying and I do n't know how .
2 Stein said yesterday : ‘ Mr Beller told me told that if things were not sorted out by tomorrow , the company would cease trading and I do really fear that this is the end .
3 Stein said yesterday : ‘ Mr Beller told me if things were not sorted out by tomorrow the company would cease trading and I do really fear this is the end .
4 They are n't trading because they do n't receive income .
5 Because none of us wants to have er , the problems that are occurring when you do n't put any sheep dip on .
6 erm schools just do n't help girls to have both and so a lot of the talk about underachievement , and I do n't like that word , amongst girls really ignores the fact that girls are n't underachieving when they do n't go all out for occupational success , when they do n't set their goals very high in schools , they are being very rational because if they do achieve they are going to be faced with immense problems .
7 Amstrad Plc launched its £300 Pen Pad yesterday , proving that you do n't need a RISC processor to build a pen-based notepad .
8 But looks are deceiving and , despite her daintiness , Jo 's no lightweight — for , as Home and Away 's policewoman Jane Holland , she 's proving that you do n't have to be big and brawny to act tough .
9 The verdicts are implicitly defining what is appropriate behaviour for women and suggesting that they do not have much of a safeguard if they stray into areas regarded as ‘ male territory ’ whether it be a barracks room or a street late at night .
10 This is best explained , not by suggesting that they do not have interests in common or that they are satisfied with things as they are , but by attending to the crushing significance of those ideas in society which preach that to be poor is an individual 's own fault and reflects his or her lack of preparedness to study and train , to work hard , to postpone having a family , or what have you .
11 you get out of singing that you do n't get anywhere else .
12 May we learn to face up to our problems and try to sort them out instead of pretending that they do n't exist or trying to run away from them .
13 But I would feel a bit snidey pretending that I do n't know them . ’
14 Oh and I just hope he 's remembering that I do n't want to be the sister in there .
15 Then she breathes out and gives a real smile — one of those big things that brightens her face like a starburst — and I see she 's been frightened , and I sigh , and suddenly I 've got a lump in my throat and I 'm trembling and I do n't think I can move away from this wall .
16 At her parents home in Parkgate , The Grange , she said : ‘ I do n't intend to start smoking and I do n't like being in the company of people who smoke , especially when we are on holiday abroad and people smoke at the table . ’
17 ‘ I did n't know she was smoking and I do n't know where she was getting the money from , ’ said her mother .
18 No she she 's been looking but I do n't know if she 's still looking , I do n't know .
19 ‘ And now I know who I 'm looking for I do n't need any from you , ’ he responded succinctly and , pushing himself to his feet , disappeared back into the cockpit .
20 We shall focus on the search for drugs which lower blood pressure , while noting that they do not cure , that their role is essentially palliative , and that their use is not always appropriate .
21 It just depends where we 're going cos I do n't know what we 're doing yet So I 'd and the woman 's coming round tonight so I 'll just , sort of , say to her if I can keep it over the weekend I can do a lot more so otherwise I 'll feel a bit bad
22 should , should attract visitors and things should be going and I do n't care how much
23 ‘ At the moment , Clive and Trevor have got a good pattern going and I do n't think playing three strikers figures in the manager 's plans . ’
24 Keep your circulation going and you do n't get bad legs , ’ she broke in .
25 ‘ That 's not to say when you 're gardening or on holiday that the wheels stop turning and you do n't have any ideas . ’
26 Well I do n't think it is because you 're again you 're back to the line that everyone is bullying and I do n't believe that everyone is bullying .
27 Yeah , because th they keep nattering and they do n't get nothing done and then it after then , but we 've gone .
28 I still want to get it going but I do n't want to put a double shift onto unless I have to .
29 Well I would n't mind going but I do n't want to drive there .
30 Philip 's been going but I do n't know how to get to it .
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