Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [adv] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sarah Miles has a fine old time as the wife , alternating that disconcertingly seraphic smile with lots of mad laughter and howls of outrage , while Greg Hicks suggests a bitter soul in torment as Harry , all cold sarcasm and inner pain .
2 It is also an interesting , challenging and constantly stimulating position within a large organisation with a refreshingly informal atmosphere . ’
3 There is a real need here both for a more flexible employment situation , which could absorb older people in less arduous or part-time work if they required it , and for more efforts to prepare people for retirement , helping them to develop time-consuming , absorbing and possibly profitable hobbies in advance of finishing work .
4 Lord Apsley , heir to the Cirencester Park Estate , has been placed on probation after admitting driving while nearly four times over the alchohol limit .
5 Medievalism is a significant inspiration in forward fashion ; and elsewhere it appeared rendered with a rather lighter touch , proving that not all aspects of the Dark Ages were dreary and dull .
6 Liu Shaoqi , for example , had been more of a moderniser like Deng , suggesting that too much emphasis on leftist policies harmed China 's future .
7 This approach is already suggesting that genetically determined variation in the oxidative metabolism of alcohol may play a role in individual susceptibility to alcohol related liver damage implicating acetaldehyde an an important factor in disease pathogenesis .
8 Yet by accepting that so many changes to past practice are needed , the business plan lends credence to the view that negligence claims will succeed .
9 The intensity is enhanced , enabling weakly scattering or very dilute samples to be used .
10 It is worth remembering that only one boat in the tottering Polaris fleet is working ; serious cracks in the cooling systems of the other boats are necessitating a great deal of expenditure and causing much anxiety to the Ministry of Defence .
11 Continuity of care refers both cross sectionally , to a comprehensive range of services for people with long term mental illness , and longitudinally , to emphasise the need for enduring and possibly indefinite care for a substantial proportion of this group .
12 From the ergonomic and looks point of view , at any rate , the EPL 4300 is , to me , a good looking and easily manageable piece of equipment .
13 Three days out at sea one passenger caused a stir by calling out that the ship was sinking and about 60 men on deck had to be assured by the captain there was no danger .
14 Technologies designed to replace or substitute for lost functions will also continue to improve , allowing if not complete recovery at least a greatly improved quality of life for patients .
15 ‘ I 've spent years reconstructing , integrating , analysing and just plain digging through mud ; cataloguing alien ruins square centimetre by square centimetre and sticking together the pieces of damaged artifacts to form implausible shapes .
16 Judge Furner was still presiding over the county courts at Lewes after twenty-two years , and he continued to order defaulting and mostly absent debtors to be punished by having to spend short terms in the county gaol , for some time after New Years Day 1870 .
17 Our reporter Tim Musson is at Cheltenham with all the news of today 's racing and doubtless some tips for tomorrow .
18 The price of bought-in feeding-stuffs and the capital required for intensive pig-keeping can be limiting if not prohibitive factors for a commercial smallholder .
19 Local people are left waiting while less urgent cases from outside the district are treated because they bring money in with them .
20 And just as linguistics ought to be able to account for the structure and organization of as yet unspoken sentences , so poetics ought to be able to account for the rules governing as yet unwritten works of literature : ‘ Each work is therefore regarded only as the manifestation of an abstract and general structure , of which it is but one of the possible realizations .
21 In prescribing that around 70 percent of the reduced funding goes to the regional tourist boards in England , Government is cutting their funds in real terms .
22 There had been the usual time-consuming , wearying and slightly acrimonious preliminaries to the setting up of the new squad in C1 and already his mind was reaching out with relief to the solitary contemplation of alabaster effigies , sixteenth-century glass and the awesome decorations of Winchfield .
23 The Bitter Cry was a vitriolic , moving and widely publicized polemic against the ‘ pestilential human rookeries … where tens of thousands are crowded together amidst horrors which call to mind what we have heard of the middle passage of the slave-ship ’ .
24 Cycling : Whether you want to go mountain biking or just gentle cycling through the forests , both types of bicycle are available for hire and both types of cyclist are well catered for here with a huge network of cycle tracks on offer .
25 It does this by demonstrating that once pragmatic implications of the sort we shall call implicature are taken into account , the apparently radical differences between logic and natural language seem to fade away .
26 SCO is now saying that only some 7% of Open Desktop code touches the hardware in any case — all the high level stuff like communications , the desktop , graphics and utilities is common to Intel and MIPS .
27 For Heath it was a partnership in Indo-China between France and the US , whose interests required loyal and ungrudging although not uncritical support from the US .
28 The sun had far better things to be doing and far better places to be .
29 Can you say how much was taken out of working capital at the er oil services operations last year and a supplementary point assuming that about seventy percent of oil service revenues were international , international last year , er how significant would the North Sea be within that international figure and t to what degree have the budget changes impacted there or will impact there , because we 're already starting to hear some er fairly nasty noises are n't we from ?
30 Many card suppliers also produce other lines , giftwrap stationery items , postcards ; some even produce books which can help to give a co-ordinated display , attracting customers and achieving that all important element of any retailing concern , increased sales and margin .
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