Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] to [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The gorge walls , over 50 feet in places , came so close they nearly touched and , below , a river straight out of a canoeist 's toybox , not large by any standards but clean , powerful , unspoilt and appearing not to be reliant on heavy rainfall .
2 ‘ Thank you nursie … you old cow , ’ he 'd say , desperately pretending not to be naked in the bath .
3 After looking forward to being present at Sophie 's birth , David was crestfallen .
4 Carbery looked at him warily , his eyes pleading not to be involved in such dangerous speculation , and shook his head slowly without speaking .
5 Adolescents are also learning how to be loyal to the group and , if necessary , to sacrifice their own selfish ends to those of the group .
6 Rachel said huskily , walking to his bedside and trying not to be alarmed by his appearance as she hugged and kissed him .
7 But although Mansell has won the first four races this season , he 's trying not to be over-confident about making it five .
8 The halls look like Dante 's Circles , packed as they are with anxious parents grasping their child 's schedules , trying not to be late for class .
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