Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [det] [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The trouble is , we 're bringing so much stuff in it 's just the amount of space !
2 I congratulate the hon. Member for Eccles ( Miss Lestor ) o securing this debate and on mobilising so much support from her side of the House .
3 By bringing in those whores behind my back … ’
4 ‘ And , ’ continued the badger ceremoniously , ‘ I am sure I speak for the entire population in wishing you all the very best in driving away this menace in our midst .
5 The organized woman , weaving as many threads into her pattern as she possibly can .
6 She padded barefoot down the old wooden stairs to the kitchen to boil the kettle for coffee , intending to start stripping yet another wall of its many generations of wallpaper .
7 There were occasions when we would get hysterical with delight at uncovering yet another layer of our much maligned identity , and find the words to talk about it .
8 Well they would be o , they 're representing too many people for them to misbehave .
9 He gladly accepted a lift back to Stromness on Venturous and repaid me by filling in some details for my report on the development of the terminal and the Piper Oil Field which would be supplying it .
10 The EDDR , which is causing so much concern among my constituents , is the last piece of the Leicester ring road .
11 He shakes his head and I get a shiver , remembering just that gesture of his , repeated and repeated so that it became like a nervous tic after a while , back in Strathspeld , after Clare 's funeral in ‘ 89 ; a gesture of disbelief , refusal , non-acceptance .
12 We got her to help by writing out this queschun for us .
13 In Sargent [ 1990 ] The Guardian , 3 July , Boreham J at Leeds Crown Court is reported as saying : " You were so negligent as to be reckless as to this woman 's welfare " , by pumping so much oxygen into her during an operation that she swelled up like a Michelin man .
14 ‘ They 're pumping so much rubbish into her !
15 Her people are farmers growing just enough food for themselves and a little rice and groundnuts as cash crops .
16 What , what , what he said no doubt P C was looking after his troops and he was n't paying as much attention to what I was doing as I was taking .
17 He remembers him going out that day with his orange reflector coat on .
18 pulling out any good in it .
19 ‘ We all know that XR3s and Cossies seem to attract a lot of unwanted attention , but I feel I 'm paying too much insurance on what is a Plain Jane family saloon , ’ he says .
20 ‘ Sir Ralph once accused Bartholomew of paying too much attention to your mother , Sir Ralph 's wife . ’
21 ‘ But , until we do , you can make yourself useful by binding up this hole in my arm before I give you the pleasure of bleeding to death . ’
22 Jez Hall 's tenor sax sound is lighter and warmer than Bobby 's providing just enough contrast in their many solos but also doubling mellower than before but still with a crying , keening sounding that taps enormous depths of feeling .
23 To make sure you 're not dishing up any trouble for you or your family during the forthcoming festivities , Domestos has some simple hygiene rules to follow in the kitchen
24 But in the opinion of one analytical chemist connected with racing , designer drugs have become big business in America and side-by-side with their development have come masking agents — innocent in themselves but if administered at the same time capable of totally wiping out any trace of them .
25 But what really surprised me was that he was holding out both hands to me .
26 ‘ We 're not getting as much milk from them as usual , ’ he said .
27 ‘ I myself am flying out this evening with my wife to join the IMP team . ’
28 You 're getting too much mouth on you for one as does n't earn her keep .
29 If you do nothing about those feelings , the recipient will probably be totally unaware of them ; if you translate them into action , you may well be setting in motion a train of events which will cause harm and destruction , bringing as much grief to yourself as to the object of your ill-will .
30 I 've got so much bloody , I hate having so much stuff in my pockets it really really does annoy me .
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