Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [coord] [pron] [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 Well , you know , it you see , time were , I do n't know I suppose , I do n't know but I never seemed to be afraid and I used to have my or something round my waist , a belt with the keys hanging on and they supplied me with a as well , one of these , I do n't know what they 're made of they were n't all that heavy but still they were heavy enough to keep on .
2 No I do n't , no that was just a nickname they give him for years ago , matter of fact I the other day , I was walking up and he called me , so I took me father 's name you see , nickname , that was .
3 You let everything go for weeks and weeks and obviously find just getting a meal tiring enough and you know I do n't want you to do anything that 's too much for you .
4 Well he said , Alright , he said , I 've made arrangements for your baggage to be picked up and you 'll stay with me in New Rochelle , and he was going away and he slipped me ten bucks cos I only had ten pounds money .
5 And it was the er just going out and she pushed me too far !
6 Well he was dashing out when I when I called him erm his wife answered the phone and she said you just him he 's going out at the door so he came rushing back and I said I wanted him to judge champion of champions and the and I said there 'll be two and he said , hang on , and he 's write it down said I 'll just stick it all at one and see to it when I come back , oh I got ta go and he went .
7 Before he went though I reminded him I was going too and he paid me my last wages .
8 No I did n't actually , cos the news was you know coming on and I thought I do n't know whether there 'd be any on there
9 We 've got a seminar coming up and I think I 'll arrange to show Jeannie .
10 I met our Tony and Helen as I was coming here and they told me not to be long .
11 My husband was ploughing once and he told me : ‘ Stand in the furrow . ’
12 Oh I was playing up and they chucked me out the class or something and I had to stay in at dinner time .
13 I mean you look at , see I I 've had , I felt like when I was coughing at work I felt like sitting there and I thought I ca n't believe this .
14 ‘ I 've been working out and I feel I have got it right this time .
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