Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [conj] [pron] [vb base] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , most marriages would start off with as good a chance of success as failure , I suppose , if it were n't for outside influences , but there are too many women like you around , taking what you want with no thought for anyone else involved , and then hanging on once you 've got it — out of sheer habit or emotional laziness , it sometimes seems to me . ’
2 People walking in but we need to need to clearly define the areas and if it 's that the national account department at has this list of corporate clients then maybe it makes sense that the national account manager responsible for deals with those also
3 This means one must avoid calling from another room , talking with your face in shadow , walking away before you have finished the sentence or calling something over your shoulder as you go out of the door .
4 I taped I want you to check it for me , I taped me and Sue walking home cos I have to do around the school you see .
5 I hear the ghosts of the sailors laughing triumphantly because I 've come to join them .
6 It 's clear that neither Jane nor Grant want to split up but , in Jo 's view , they should stop living together if they want to save their relationship .
7 Now I really love dressing up and I 've given all my trainers away to my brother .
8 Well , I ca n't promise that if you leave I 'll be as generous as he was ; I 'll continue your allowance certainly , but as for a house , no ; for as you are well aware , because you know the books as well as I do , it takes us all our time , even with my salary , to continue living here as we have done of yore .
9 So if you 're wandering around and you want to write somebody a quick note , you do n't have to open the rings and take out a piece of paper , you just write on here and tear it off .
10 Milkings three times a day would necessitate living nearby and they have applied for permission to build a farmhouse and steadings .
11 going on that you 've missed .
12 I said , there 's loads of building going on and we have had money to do this and it 's jolly well time .
13 Perhaps you 're not a person to take criticism lying down and you have had some sharp exchanges with your friend .
14 He is a media manipulator of genius , so adept at the mechanics of mass communication that he pauses mid-sentence when he sees that my cassette recorder has run out of tape , waiting patiently until I have inserted a new cassette before carrying on with what he was saying from exactly where he stopped .
15 It 's to keep you invested in building societies , only they , they 're frantic because all the money 's going out and they want to keep their erm their erm deposits up , so they 're offering these schemes , and they are quite good , there are no charges as such , but er you 'll get the value of the fund that they 've made , or you 'll get a say two or three percent bonus per annum on top of the er share rate , er if you keep it for four or five years .
16 ‘ I 'll be going out when I 've had mine .
17 Terry you ca n't go rushing back till we 've got the new
18 This composition — two figures moving across one another and turning back as they do becomes a regular ‘ strife-motive ’ in classical art ; the west pediment of the Parthenon ( fig. 132 ) is a major example .
19 Ron , 74 , of Wrafton , Devon , said : ‘ We 'll be going even when they have to wheel us in . ’
20 The problem is that most of us are so busy rushing around that we fail to become aware of those feelings and to consider what they might be telling us .
21 Webster himself commented yesterday : ‘ This is the biggest-ever Scottish team going abroad and we aim to bring back a sporranful of medals .
22 ‘ You 're going nowhere until we 've sorted out this mess with Barton ! ’
23 I said , ‘ I 'm going nowhere till I 've had a hot pastranu sandwich . ’
24 that 's it , how are you turning round when I 've got you strapped in ? , are you , I 've fastened it both sides
25 Or do you keep going round until you 've found the the right exit that you want ?
26 If your perm is past its best and needs pepping up or you 've got naturally curly hair that lacks oomph , look for special ‘ body-building ’ styling products such as firm-hold mousse .
27 Yeah , but you wo n't be getting much because you 've had lots .
28 And you need to choose a P E P manager per year , so if you 're already with one P E P manager , you 've either got to buy him out and give it to another P E P manager , or you can , you can erm er choose another one each year in other words , I do a different P E P each year , with a different manager , and that keeps everything moving so that you 've got a good spread .
29 A couple say they may move out of their house just two weeks after moving in because they 've become the target of thieves .
30 Well there 's no use moving in till they 've got a lounge carpet cos if they go in they 'd just have to move everything to get it in
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