Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [prep] [pron] at the " in BNC.

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1 I enjoyed meeting up with you at the JNCC presentation on Monday evening and was impressed in particular by Lord Selbourne 's clear determination ( shared by all the country council chairmen ) to make the JNCC both an effective co-ordinating body between the councils and a strategic ‘ think tank ’ on issues where a UK or an international perspective is essential .
2 On the narrow bridge he stood in front of her again , blocking her way , looking back past her at the House .
3 ‘ Bulgarian women have babies in hedges , ’ he said , looking vaguely about him at the north end of Sixth Avenue .
4 Remembered the horrible , fair , insinuating Frome sidling up to her at the counter and suddenly , unexpectedly , braying out for the whole shop to hear in exaggerated cockney : ‘ Better not fatten him up too much , love , or he 'll be too heavy to baby-snatch . ’
5 I 'm not going out with her at the moment .
6 She was going out with him at the beginning of this term
7 MES : ‘ So you 're not going out with anybody at the moment ? ’
8 Unbecoming as it was to their cred , the embarrassed band loaded themselves and gear into the vehicle and tried very hard indeed not to be seen getting out of it at the other end .
9 One of the nicest things about walking around coastline peninsulas is that it is often easy to stick to the coastline without doubling back on yourself at the end .
10 The head man could get bitten , the tail man could get doused with noisome excreta — and if they both missed their grasp , then the middle man got both bad ends of the snake coming back at him at the same time .
11 He looked by the way from the most of them , playing up with them at the games and did the up there .
12 Standing there beside him at the water 's edge , she looked down at his reflection , next to her own in the still , clear water .
13 How many people would be working there with you at the time roughly ?
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