Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] to [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So perhaps we should be thinking more about political education and perhaps we should be thinking more about encouraging them to be non-conformist in the sense that they are prepared to ask questions , to challenge and not to accept glib answers that teachers give out willy nilly …
2 It 'll establish efficient links between North Oxfordshire 's farmers and the police helping them to be quick off the mark if anything dubious is noticed .
3 Did n't you hear a couple of the men warning me to be careful on the way home and not start any arguments with you ? ’
4 He had always run Virgin with something of the paternalism of a nineteenth-century Lancashire mill-owner , believing himself to be mindful of the welfare of his staff , if not always fully in touch with the vicissitudes of their day-to-day existence , but certainly never tolerating any direct challenge to his authority .
5 People born since the 1890s have been unnaturally large because they have eaten too much protein believing it to be essential for growth , says survey author Geoffrey Cannon in New Woman magazine .
6 I have said nothing of metal , believing it to be offensive to any right-minded book lover , at least in his own home .
7 Finally , Solihull teachers generally do not consider that the use of the scheme constitutes any threat to them , believing it to be capable of showing cause for praise as well as blame .
8 It would be a mistake , however , to dismiss this aspect of the Liberal reform programme as being of no legislative or historical significance , at least in so far as the preceding details have revealed that the different schemes were the result of much thought and argument on the part of a number of interest groups , each of which cared about the transition process , believing it to be critical for the economic and moral welfare of working-class youth .
9 As for the dormeuse , it would seem to have been taken as far as Quatre Bras ; and there , according to his fellow officers von Oetlinger and von Humbracht , von Keller determined to open the necessaire that he had found in the carriage , believing it to be full of gold .
10 The general impression running through its pages was a riot of impunity , irresponsible parents , working mothers and lax discipline in schools , with magistrates and police believing themselves to be impotent before a rising tide of mischief and violence — particularly ‘ the recent serious increase of ruffianism among city youths ’ .
11 Spotted grooving on down amongst all the leather and rubber clad ravers at this week 's Skin 2 Charity Rubber Ball which was held at Hammersmith Palais were one or two leather-togged pop stars believing themselves to be invisible in the throng .
12 He was forcing her to be careful of what she said ; setting up areas which were not to be talked about .
13 Tivoli Systems Inc is porting its Management Environment from Solaris 1.1 to 2.1 , expecting it to be ready by the second quarter , with all applications available by the third quarter .
14 teaching us to be temperate in ourselves and moving mankind as a whole ‘ a little nearer the perilous safety of a warless and provident world . ’
15 Is my hon. Friend worried — as I am — that the Bill will perhaps not get through to the next stage given the fact that this morning the Northern Region Councils Association — a Labour-dominated body — wrote to every Member of Parliament in the northern region asking them to be present for this important debate ?
16 Englishmen had been settling overseas for a century and a half but their colonies had been inhabited by people who , apart from the slaves who got no choice in the matter , had no particular difficulty in committing themselves to being loyal to King George : Englishmen , Scotsmen , Irishmen , or Germans would accept the King without question , and the Dutch of New York and the Acadians of Nova Scotia were almost the only people who had ever been asked to make a serious change of allegiance , which had been harder for the Acadians because of religious differences .
17 So he headed off demands for a capital levy , knowing it to be unacceptable to his party , but Britain nevertheless paid for a higher proportion of the costs of the war from taxation than the other combatants ; he was also able to launch the Victory Loan of 1917 at an interest rate of only 5 per cent , having a surer sense of the patriotism of potential subscribers than did the Treasury .
18 Geometrical demonstrations which prove something to be true of all triangles do not do so by proving it to be true of an abstract triangle to which all triangles correspond .
19 Over the last few years the Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) has been active in consulting with British industry and encouraging it to be competitive in the European market .
20 The government rejected this , claiming it to be contrary to the notion of partnership between central and local government which the 1944 Act had established .
21 The village of Uppercross in Persuasion ( 1818 ) , for example , ‘ had been completely in the old English style ’ , two houses only showing themselves to be superior to the dwellings of yeomen and labourers : the squire 's mansion with its high walls and great gates , and ‘ the compact , tight parsonage , enclosed in its own neat garden ’ .
22 You have taught me to forget myself by demeaning yourself to be free to a poor servant .
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