Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] for [not/n't] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Antoinette was being a pest , as usual , and Tante Héloise was scolding me for not wanting to play with her . ’
2 I could hear her scolding him for not having contacted her sooner , not having brought me to see her , asking whether I was safe , was someone with me , who was looking after me .
3 Eva found herself about four rows back , wondering what was to happen next and chiding herself for not thinking to check beforehand .
4 Johnny Boyle pushed his way through the crowd gathering about Gallagher , cursing himself for not having arrived sooner .
5 She was just cursing herself for not having had the courage to go straight over to him in the first place when he appeared again , a little further down .
6 Reproaching herself for not having unlocked it when she had come in from the main door , she rose quickly and went to open up .
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