Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [prep] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Each morning at seven the members of the Brotherhood presented themselves at the dock-gates , and Josh called out their numbers , allowing them in one at a time to report for work .
2 It had to be an art that did not separate him from the uncultured poor but was founded in them , gathering them to him in a home of art they could all share , a home that sheltered and consoled ; a warm place .
3 Having allowed a particular expense for some eight years , they are now hassling me on it for the year 1991 .
4 He was paving the way to amusing himself with me in the future when Mme Chaillot was out of town .
5 He was in the restaurant kitchen late one night before closing up , knocking back the remains of four glasses of liqueur from a dirty table , when his head suddenly cleared and he heard some lines from the past in a devastating playback in his head : ‘ You 're better off without me ’ — Bella 's voice , coolly justifying herself to him on the telephone .
6 Sally sat down hard on them , forcing her legs together , but as usual in the end he won and she retrieved the panties from the floor , pushing them behind her on the seat before they were trampled underfoot .
7 It 's no good whispering them to yourself on the top deck of an otherwise empty bus , you 've got to shout them in school halls , fields , front rooms of houses , from your bedroom window … anywhere , really .
8 such as this year 's figures you know they 're not paying you to somebody over the phone and expect to remember of course they ca n't so I 've got the detail that I need to keep looking at , and there about that 's about it .
9 Roman grasped her arm , pulling her with him into the hotel .
10 He was breaking her on his wheel of fire , forcing her with him to a high-point of surrender , then casting her away as if her touch were a contamination .
11 The painter Jean-Baptiste Chardin shatters our ‘ knowledge ’ of the world by presenting it to us in a new way , as if we were children and his bowl of fruit stood just above our eye-level .
12 What has happened is that something latent within us has been stirred to new life , and that scent , or whatever , has been the symbolic object for us , leading us beyond itself to a personal memory .
13 From the gap in the hedgerow we opened fire on the running Germans , toppling them over one after the other .
14 His literary prowess was now enforcing itself upon him with the urgency of a destiny , as with all true writers , ‘ born , not made ’ .
15 Then her wish was granted as his head blotted out the sun , and Robbie emitted a little ecstatic noise as the space between them melted away entirely and they lay body pressed to body , mouth to mouth , his hands moulding her to him with a sudden , startling ferocity .
16 Looking round , he saw that the young accomplice had retrieved the knife and was pointing it at him like a gun , stammering : ‘ You 'd better let him go , d' you hear ? ’
17 like a bit not pointless , well it , it 's just that I do n't really , I 'm not getting anything from it at the moment so
18 I 'll be saying something about them in the lectures , not today but next week , and er now which reminds me , who is performing next week ?
19 The right approach might possibly be along the lines of : ‘ How about the family closing ranks and getting together now that you need a little help ? ’ or ‘ Give us the pleasure of doing something for you for a change . ’
20 He wanted to know if I was interested in doing something on it in the magazine .
21 The aim will be fulfilled if the teacher 's aid encourages self-help skills and good personal organisation by the pupil rather than doing everything for him in the way of fetching and returning materials .
22 She swallowed hard , conscious of his angry face so close to her own , his hands clamping her to him in a vice-like grip .
23 His arms tightened as if he would absorb her completely , grinding her into himself in a desperate assuagement of an age-old hunger .
24 And your answers should be couched in the terms that you would answer somebody in the pub , in that you 're giving them the information , you 're giving it to them in a clean way .
25 I imagine its removal , my womb collapsing to follow , closing it on itself like a ball of orange peels without the fruit .
26 Then she opened the door and passed out into the hall , closing it behind her with a quiet but determined movement , leaving Iskandara staring after her in silence .
27 Because what 's the point in doing no matter how good you think you 're doing , what 's the point of doing it for yourself in the living room , you want er everybody to listen to it .
28 For she had taken her mind from his marauding hands and , with a low guttural cry , he had succeeded in stripping off her top and flinging it from them into the dark recesses of the room .
29 I made him take me by giving myself to him like a slave .
30 Story-telling is considered a part of a woman 's magical repertoire — a device she can use to affect the listener , melting his heart , distracting him or binding him to her as the occasion demands .
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