Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [conj] she [was/were] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Her words scarcely registered with Anne as she knelt beside the bed where her mother lay , perspiration running down her white face and small moans escaping her as she was fiercely gripped by pain .
2 " You 'll take some treacle tart , " she told Daniel , the set of her pugnacious jaw warning him that she was not asking a question so much as issuing a command .
3 For the next moment he was kissing her and she was instantly realising that nothing quite so exciting had ever happened to her before .
4 They started to disagree over the clothes Ace insisted on buying her until she was almost overcome with embarrassment .
5 Meredith hastily curbed her natural friendliness , reminding herself that she was n't at home now , gossiping to strangers and leaping into any car that came down the lane .
6 She was foolishly irritated by the lack of warmth and the slowness of the coals to light and all the time she was asking herself if she was completely mad harbouring an escaped criminal in her kitchen .
7 Her eyes swung back towards Marlin , who was asking her if she was all right , then back towards the street as brakes shrieked , and the failed assassin was struck squarely by a speeding car , which reeled round , wheels locked and sliding over the sleet-greased street , throwing the man 's body off the bonnet and over a parked car .
8 Maybe this was his little way of reminding her that she was not really his type of woman .
9 Doreen 's eyes continued to dart from one to the other ; then she made an attempt to put Lucy in her place by reminding her that she was merely a member of the staff .
10 But he was resenting her because she was not a puppet .
11 She was telling herself that she was n't falling for him .
12 It was gratifying to have people shake her hand who once would n't have given her the time of day , and when she walked through the dreary rooms where evidence of the late Adelaide Morey still abounded she had trouble convincing herself that she was now the mistress here .
13 Convincing herself that she was now over-reacting , Belinda got the headache tablets , then went to dress , her excitement returning as she put on Faye 's dress .
14 ‘ A concession he obviously exercised to the full , ’ she contented herself with murmuring instead , her eyes dancing with amusement as she enjoyed his discomfort , a feeling of relief pervading her that she was about to locate Suzie at last .
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