Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [conj] [pers pn] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It would be a shame if you missed seeing them while you are here . ’
2 erm those of you who had mothers who were young in the twenties will probably recall seeing them because they were rather tubular almost like a rubber tube , with small holes punched in for circulation .
3 Sometimes these sophisticated nine-year-olds really do seem to have the bug but I still feel a bit uncomfortable encouraging them because they are so young .
4 My lungs suddenly come sharply through from behind my engaged brain , reminding me that I am not a fish .
5 You recognise the anger you feel against your parents , but at this stage there 's little point in contacting them if it 's only to unload your bitterness .
6 I lived on top of the sea , so the task of transporting the various fish home , and returning them if they were not suitable , posed few problems .
7 Can a manager feel happy making strategic decisions simply on the basis of what his lieutenants tell him , without satisfying himself that they are not simply spouting the IBM conventional wisdom that has got the company into the mess it is in today ?
8 Satisfying himself that he was absolutely alone , Yanto sat down on a handy clump of grass and removed his boots , which together with the two rabbits , he placed under a nearby blackthorn bush .
9 From the look in his eyes there would n't be a result in pressing it unless I was really keen on acquiring a broken nose .
10 I think Imamu takes the most slack when it comes to proving himself because he is always around to hear the people who criticize him , where as although Boo is criticized , he is not there to hear it , seeing as he is locked up inside his house .
11 McLeish held on to his temper , reminding himself that he was very tired .
12 Re-silvering is a specialist art , and since mirrors are cheap enough to replace if they get damaged , few people will want the fuss and expense of mending them unless they are very large .
13 How can I ever stop loving him when he 's always here ? ’
14 Her words scarcely registered with Anne as she knelt beside the bed where her mother lay , perspiration running down her white face and small moans escaping her as she was fiercely gripped by pain .
15 " You 'll take some treacle tart , " she told Daniel , the set of her pugnacious jaw warning him that she was not asking a question so much as issuing a command .
16 ‘ At a hundred feet , ’ he said , ‘ all you 're doing is warning him that you 're there . ’
17 It was true , she felt , for in the heat of the moment a voice was warning her that he was only moved by desire now because she had n't fallen at his feet when he had followed her to London .
18 Scaevola disappoints them by informing them that they are not freed of liability .
19 But , thanks to you , I feel that we are a good deal nearer solving them than we were yesterday .
20 If you are no longer acting for any of the appellants shown as being represented by you on the enclosed Roll , you should inform this office , in writing , at least seven days before the hearing date , enclosing a copy of your letter to the appellant informing him/her that you are no longer acting , giving him/her details of the date , time and place of the Appeal hearing and that he/she must attend to present his/her Appeal and that failure to appear may result in the Appeal being dismissed .
21 After going to the door and reassuring himself that they were entirely alone , Colonel Moore recited the wealth of his ward .
22 ‘ Why I was bedding you if I was about to be married to someone else ? ’ he asked softly .
23 ‘ Do n't think I 'm hurrying you but we 're rather short-staffed what with Christmas and everything . ’
24 Please remember when you are describing something that I was not there when it happened .
25 For some reason these thoughts of Emily sent her memory shooting back to the previous Friday in Vass 's office when he had brought up the subject of the new crèche and she had somehow ended up , almost aggressively , informing him that it was not her intention , ever , to remarry .
26 He ca n't complain about people not liking him when he 's so horrible to them .
27 Still , I do n't suppose that 's worrying him where he is now .
28 We 're trying to raise the question — ‘ who is responsible , who would I sue if all my children died in a camp on the Thai-Kampuchia border , who would be liable for , for those deaths , er If I 'm there totally dependent on food aid , and the international community says it 's feeding me and they 're not ? ’
29 Well he was coaching me and he was very good .
30 I tried to tell him that I did n't blame him for deflowering me but he was n't listening .
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