Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] to a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While there he succeeded in attaching wires to a seriously ill patient and obtaining a continuous record of his heartbeat , probably the first electrocardiogram ever made , fifty years before its time .
2 Fears of mortgage defaults are adding pressure to an already depressed property market , while reports of industry feeling the squeeze proliferated .
3 The poem stresses throughout the elemental qualities of the landscape and seascape which it describes , leading Eliot to a particularly bare group of rocks which he had known from the sailing days of his childhood .
4 Protoplasts from different strains of plant have been joined , giving rise to a completely new variety blending characteristics from each parent .
5 From the earliest references of around 1600 , to the start of' the 19th century , Woodchester Mill graduated from a modest corn and fulling mill to a particularly fine cloth mill .
6 There is no cure for mental handicap , but there is prevention , or at least the taking of considered and intelligent precautions to reduce the risk of giving birth to a mentally handicapped child , or of a child becoming mentally handicapped .
7 Primary prevention is before the moment of conception , when parents ‘ at risk ’ of giving birth to a mentally handicapped child can be advised of the risks .
8 The use of such tests is a controversial issue , with on the one hand , anti-abortion lobbies arguing that life begins at conception and that therefore all abortion is wrong , through to womens ' groups who believe that such tests should be available to all pregnant women of all ages , so that those who do not wish to take the risk of giving birth to a mentally handicapped child may take the appropriate actions to prevent it .
9 All that strange ‘ beat ’ talk of the late fifties and the avant-garde personality of the earlier Sixties that had become the language of kids in the coffee bars and campuses throughout the English-speaking world , was giving way to a more cynical view of life and the much harsher realities of the rock ‘ n ’ roll years .
10 Here it is noted that even in mainstream cinema , narrative content is increasingly losing centrality and giving way to a more image-centred ‘ spectacular ’ cinema .
11 The old pattern of capital/resource/labour-intensive manufacturing is giving way to a more knowledge-intensive one , not only in the field of information technology , but in all forms of production .
12 These rather sweeping generalisations are now giving way to a more mature analysis of the contradictions of science and technology .
13 In addition Luke records other stories involving women to a far greater extent than the other Gospels ( Luke 7:11ff. , 37ff. ; 8:1–2 ; 10:38–42 ; 21:1–4 ; 23:50–24:11 ) .
14 However , without discounting this possibility altogether , we should beware of falling victim to a fairly common fallacy : mistaking an easily observed but minor or accidental by-product of a phenomenon for the cause of the phenomenon .
15 Transferring software to a more permanent storage medium , optical disc , for example , offers a tempting liberation from the fate of perpetual periodic renewal .
16 This was a major departure for NATO , which had been based since its foundation in 1949 on the principles of taking joint action in defence of member states only and of restricting operations to a clearly designated area covering the member states ' territories .
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