Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] [coord] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The stairwell echoed with the counterpointed sounds of pounding feet , of automatic doors heaving open and slamming shut , of trains arriving and departing , slowing down or gathering speed and hurtling along the narrow cavernous tunnels .
2 There have also been occasional errors of judgment , regretted by all but recognised to have been caused by the harsh financial climate on the one hand and the immense flood of new books demanding funds and shelving on the other .
3 The regimental police and duty staff also commence their morning rounds ; opening up buildings , checking security and turning off the security lights .
4 She doubted then that he had felt very much like climbing trees or swimming in the river for some long while after he had lost his parents .
5 Many women took over men 's duties in the public services , operating railway signals , acting as porters , driving buses and working in the Fire Brigade and the Police .
6 With the tiny tributaries of the Danube gaining strength and coalescing in the German hills above Ulm , this old city with the world 's tallest Gothic spire is the first of many historic places along the river .
7 Hand hoes of the Dutch or triangular pattern are used for singling roots and weeding in the row .
8 In the old days it had all seemed worth it — she 'd enjoyed filling stockings and wading through a carpet of toys and dressing the tree and singing carols when they were little .
9 Single conspicuous targets in the half-field contralateral to the lesion could elicit fixations , implying detection and orienting by a subcortical system .
10 Children enjoyed the VISTA visits according to the questionnaire returns in the third year ; they liked meeting scientists and learning about a range of jobs .
11 Perhaps symbolic is the typical picket line of today ; people in high spirits shouting slogans and singing to the beat of a salsa band as they march defiantly under the eyes of the police contrast with the solemn processions of strikers we had seen in the 1940s , walking through the streets in silence and in proper order , as if to create any disturbance was a mark of poor breeding .
12 By 14.45 , 2.45 p.m. , they were by-passing Sandwich and speeding beneath the Roman Fort at Richborough .
13 Now aged 38 , Harwood has been making things , perfecting techniques and designing for the last twenty years but is barely known outside a small group of cognoscenti .
14 Of course I enjoy making and presenting food and working with the noblest of ingredients .
15 Touching down on Luqa 's main runway , heading east and sitting on the port side of the aircraft , the aviation-oriented visitor to the Island is drawn to a distinctive sight within the village of Kirkop , just of the Airport 's southern perimeter road , three fins !
16 In replying to criticisms of his manners as a director , he has some constructive things to say about the differences between directing film and producing for the theatre .
17 Sitting in a bus next morning , eating pineapple and waiting for the driver , we heard that the survivors were going to walk on fiery coals that night down on the fairground .
18 Faced with the prospect of growing structural unemployment and reflecting an analysis that structural unemployment would be a growing feature of industrial society , the work-force at Lucas Aerospace proposed 150 socially useful products which they could design and manufacture as an alternative to facing degradation and suffering in the dole queue .
19 I strip up , removing trousers and pulling on a pair of light-weight leggings , and just wade in .
20 Sidney 's proposal that a poet 's creation of pleasing fictions is a means of transcending nature and reaching toward an imitation of the divine is perceived as a means by which an experience of the world lost by original sin may be recaptured .
21 Because there is a way forward , it is about negotiation , it is about hunt the hunting community , it is about sharing ideas and looking for a way forward , going forward from here , well to turn a blind eye to what goes on and vote for that amendment is very similar to what Hitler did in Germany fifty years ago .
22 ‘ The tabloid editors have been condemned as lacking integrity and behaving on the commission like publicans denouncing the evils of drink at a temperance rally . ’
23 After equilibration for 10' , the gel piece is carefully immersed ( wearing gloves and working in a fume hood ) into a scrupulously clean 20 cm 8 cm plastic tray containing 100 ml of freshly prepared 0.2% ( v/v ) DMS ( reagent grade ) solution in 10 mM Tris-HCl , pH 8.0 ( DMS is freely soluble at this concentration and buffer composition ) .
24 They sat in the back of the Dacia for the drive from Otopeni Airport to the outskirts of the city , holding hands and staring at the lights flashing past .
25 The couple are probably the most lovey-dovey in the movie world these days , forever cuddling , holding hands and behaving in a manner that makes you want to squirm .
26 With regard to the vote in the House of Commons on the proposed European committee of the regions , although I can have no sympathy for anyone who votes with the Tory Government I can understand the SNP 's attempts at embracing reality and moving towards the concept of Europe of the regions .
27 ‘ It 's awfully wild , ’ she said , ‘ but you are going the right way ’ — she was proceeding east and going into the storm at the time — and she thanked me for opening the gate .
28 Erosion on the main section facing east and lengthening to the south resulted in the pattern of south-west trending ridges preserved between the lighthouse and Stonyditch Point .
29 How many people do you see every day — cycling , walking and even driving — wearing headphones and singing to the music ?
30 The followers say the exhiliration and the spectacle of horse and hounds is a vital part of country life , providing jobs and helping with the management of the countryside .
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