Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] [adj] [conj] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , a mistrust about historical periods possessing commonplaces other than those selected and organised by critical inquiry undertaken for specific , if frequently unconscious , ideological ends is now the familiar assumption .
2 The appellants sought injunctions restraining the respondents from buying or selling petrol other than that supplied by them at the two garages during the subsistence of the agreements and in respect of garage C during the period of the mortgage .
3 No District Court accepted the exclusivity argument , many relying on a superficial reading of Article 27(c) of the Convention , which allows Contracting States to permit ‘ by internal law or practice , methods of taking evidence other than those provided for in this Convention ’ ; the better view is that this freedom is given only to the requested country and does not refer to the country from which the discovery request originates .
4 It is difficult to imagine a world in which the status of your car — and yourself , by implication — centres around miles per gallon , but making economy desirable and fashionable seems to be the way to change the habits of private car owners .
5 The research takes an ‘ 'in-depth' ’ approach to the evaluation of labour market adjustments to major short-term changes in labour demand and from the supply-side seeks to identify the gainers and losers in a process where a declining pool of jobs is being re-allocated across a local population expelling some from work but more insidiously excluding others willing and able to participate but denied access .
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