Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] [modal v] not be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Climbers should note that as soon as agreement has been reached , climbing activities will not be permitted at these locations .
2 As well as the new DB2/6000 relational database for the RS/6000 described on Monday ( CI No 2,128 ) , IBM Corp yesterday duly announced DB2 Version 3 for the mainframe — but the thing will only go into customer testing under the Quality Partnership Programme in June , and availability and ordering information will not be given until that process is complete .
3 Operating expenditure should not be financed by borrowing ; if it is then future taxpayers are paying for services they will not benefit from .
4 Nevertheless , the advantages from a correctly administered costing system can not be overemphasised .
5 He suggests that to attribute extra suffering to one particular factor — age , length of unemployment , marital status , etc. — is too crude , as is the emphasis on individual responsibility ; the gross disparities between the numbers of jobs and the numbers of those seeking jobs can not be accounted for in terms of the individual psychological characteristics of the latter , nor can the rapid changes in the former .
6 It was argued that a breach of natural justice at the original hearing conducted by racing stewards could not be cured by an appeal to a committee of the Australian Jockey Club since there would be nothing to appeal against , the first decision being a nullity .
7 The prospect of providing variety can not be dissociated from a sense of swamping the subject in its alternatives .
8 Suggesting that the long-term viability of BC and its privatisation potential could be put at risk by curbs on open-cast operations , Mr Chance added : ‘ Mining communities can not be saved at the expense of the open-cast industry .
9 QACs and mixtures containing QACs may not be used in brewing or the licensed trades as they affect beer head retention .
10 Teaching aids must not be introduced solely in order to save time , but must make possible an increase in understanding for the learner .
11 There will be redundancies in the Army , as in every armed force of any significance in the western world , but the Army Board intends that redundancies should be spread evenly throughout the Army and that people in the regiments facing amalgamation will not be discriminated against or at a disadvantage , compared with those whose regiments may not be so affected .
12 Jointing compound must not be used with these either .
13 However , the basic concept of collecting and removing filth will not be affected , as any system which does not localise contaminants merely spreads them so think as to make the problem less obvious .
14 The implication is that scanning systems should not be locked into continuous data on limited sectors of the environment … .
15 If the effect of the rule was that an emergency ring holding position could not be achieved by making a residence order , because of a requirement for 21 days notice , then section 9(5) would have no application and the judge was free to achieve the objective by means of a specific issue order and/or a prohibited steps order .
16 If the system has a high inertia , for example , the maximum stepping rate can not be attained instantaneously ; the stepping rate must be gradually increased towards the maximum value so that the motor has sufficient time to accelerate the load inertia .
17 The hesitation which the average individual has in going to Court and giving evidence should not be under-estimated and if there is , therefore , an inclination to avoid that the Tender provides the agent with a basis for persuading the client to accept .
18 The TRC is calculated on form A2317 from the Total number of manhours ( ie not per man ) spent at or in the locality of the customer 's premises only ( travelling time should not be included ) at the following Hour Charge Rates . ’
19 There are claimed benefits in academic progress and in social and emotional maturity , but the solution to the basic problem of the language and learning environments can not be taken to be solved in the mainstreaming option .
20 Constructivism seems to make this a logical impossibility , which of course means that no data could ever disprove the constructivist claims about what develops in infancy : any evidence that object knowledge ( the ‘ object concept ’ or ‘ object permanence ’ ) exists without reaching behaviour will not be judged to be evidence for object permanence — as a point of logic .
21 No one will win the Channel 5 licence if the video retuning problem can not be solved , the Independent Television Commission warned this week .
22 His key role in creating FYT should not be forgotten .
23 On the other hand , the difficulties of proving justification should not be exaggerated .
24 Housing classes can not be separated from wider social processes , particularly the high rate of immigration into Britain during the 1950s and 1960s .
25 The effect of a new settlement south east of York would be to increase those levels so that people with from Greater York , would find would not be able to find accommodation within the new settlement and therefore the total housing requirement of Greater York would be increased and housing needs would not be met .
26 These are poisonous , and any crop showing ergot should not be eaten .
27 The rules developed in taxation and rating cases could not be applied more generally .
28 This inhibition may be secondary to the inhibitory effects of SMS 201–995 on serum gastrin levels , but direct or other indirect effects of SMS 201–995 on the pepsinogen producing cells can not be excluded .
29 On the other hand , consumption of circulating antibodies can not be ruled out in the seronegative instances .
30 Provided certain standards , such as height , access and land use were met , planning approval would not be required .
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