Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] [conj] [pron] [am/are] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , several informants indicated that parents have a more relaxed attitude to their children using Creole when they are somewhat older .
2 Installing Taos then , is as simple as copying the files to your hard disk , typing TAOS and you 're in .
3 Installing Taos then , is as simple as copying the files to your hard disk , typing TAOS and you 're in .
4 But er , I ca n't understand why , because I mean , let's face it , he he 's only using fibre-glass and they 're not that flammable
5 There 's no use in keeping things that you 're not gon na use okay ?
6 The incident seems to have been settled , but remains a warning to writers of climbing guides that they are n't above the law of libel .
7 For such a task crude approaches to semantic processing are preferable to the detailed analyses found in understanding systems since they are computationally tractable , robust and are not restricted to a small language domain .
8 SCUM are probably kidding themsleves that they are so good … be even sweeter when they come crashing down !
9 Experience teaches problem-solving to rising executives because there are always enough urgent problems to be tackled and promotion comes to those who seem good at tackling them .
10 But facing facts as they are now , it is unlikely that you will encounter many offers of wholemeal pasta and rice on the restaurant circuit ; they are considered too chewy for the ‘ average ’ palate and take too long to cook .
11 LARNE manager Gary Erwin issued an ultimatum to his players after yesterday 's defeat at Ballymena — ‘ start giving 100pc or you 're out ’ .
12 I am not suggesting that you should collapse in a soggy heap if you bang your head or shut your finger in the door ; but suppressing tears when you are really unhappy is suppressing the grief itself and this can be harmful in several ways :
13 Okay so we can do things like that and we get counting numbers and we 're quite happy with those .
14 Phonological contrasts and phonetic differences may be important factors affecting accommodation but they are not the whole story .
15 This mainly goes to show the error , which is all too common , of seeing causes where there are only correlations .
16 When we respond to initial requests , we are not making promises and we are not in a position to give hints .
17 How often do you meet and how many people there , you 're showing interest but you 're also qualifying at the same time and it 's not padding , it 's actually useful information because you 're thinking well that 's worth pursuing the R N I , yes but there 's money there .
18 What we decided to do , because I thought that 's what you 'd been pressing for , was to show that as the equivalent affect of , okay , you think you 're making these profits but you 're actually enjoying services that you 're not paying for .
19 How can the limiting of regulation 72 be justified by a Department which has the declared aim of targeting benefits where they are most needed ?
20 And I thinks to myself well I might as well be going out earning money if they 're not in bed .
21 If you 're overseeing work that you 're not directly involved in , this approach is invaluable .
22 Please have a think you know have a think about some of the things have a look out if you get out anywhere tonight watching people when they 're together just watch them any ideas that you have tomorrow we 'll start off with the first ten minutes just going over some of the things we talked about this evening .
23 β Blockers may be less effective than angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitors in reducing microalbuminuria because they are less effective in reducing angiotensin II production .
24 Problem areas include unguarded or damaged pto shafts , clearing balers when they are still running , handling animals and removing fallen or hung-up trees .
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