Example sentences of "[num] had [be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thirty-one had been discharged by 1983 but with six of these patients having been transferred to a general hospital for physical illness and having subsequently died .
2 No less than 625 had been lost since 1945 .
3 A SOC Commerce Ministry official said in an interview on March 12 that Soviet economic aid to Cambodia for 1991 had been reduced by 80 per cent to about US$170,000,000 .
4 Compared to this Packard-Merlin , the Mk III had been raised in immaculate condition and its rocker covers still gleam with the original black paintwork .
5 In 1987 , 233 had been admitted at some time into the prison hospital .
6 Laub ; they believed that six had been hit in all from an estimated fifteen .
7 Some prisoners benefiting from the general amnesty of March 7 had been detained following earlier incidents in October 1987 and October 1988 .
8 All three had been assigned to Long Kesh Prison near Lisburn to await trial .
9 All three had been convicted in 1986 of the 1985 murder of the Belau President , Haruo Remeliik but had been freed on appeal [ see pp. 33995-96 ; 35003 ; 35648 ] .
10 But by Friday the three had been reduced to two .
11 The resolution said that the campaign of forced assimilation waged against the ethnic-Turkish minority since 1984 had been based on arbitrary and autocratic decisions which had flagrantly violated Bulgaria 's Constitution and international treaty commitments and had eroded national unity .
12 The budget for the first half of 1918 had been estimated at 17.6 milliard roubles expenditure , but revenue at only 2.8 milliard .
13 By the time Gloucester took control , the cash left by Edward IV had been absorbed by these military costs and there was relatively little money coming in .
14 By the time Gloucester took control , the cash left by Edward IV had been absorbed by these military costs and there was relatively little money coming in .
15 However , his candidature in 1911 had been aided by three factors : he was a Conservative rather than a Liberal Unionist , but he was the sort of Conservative who would be acceptable to Liberal Unionists as well ; he was a diehard in opinion , but he had remained loyal to Balfour 's policy throughout the recent twists and turns ; and he had staked a claim by his abandonment of his safe London seat to fight North-West Manchester in December 1910 ( at no real risk , for an alternative safe seat was always available to him if and when he lost ) .
16 The schemes provide for 1,343 community councils to be established ( McQueen , freeman 1978:2 ) of which approximately nine out of ten had been formed by mid-1978 ( Masterson 1979:106 ) .
17 Of these , around 13,900 had been infected through male homosexual activity , 2,000 through drug use and 6,500 through heterosexual activity .
18 Of the 176 single-member constituencies , only five had been settled by overall majority in the first round [ ibid. ] and the remaining 171 were thus settled in the April 8 poll .
19 J. R. Lowerson has shown that Brackley was an exception in the area , since of the seventeen surrounding parishes , one had been enclosed in 1634 , and the rest between 1734 and 1808 .
20 By Wednesday the 208 had been reduced by 100 after four rounds , the cut having come at four over par .
21 By Wednesday the 208 had been reduced by 100 after four rounds , the cut having come at four over par .
22 Of thirty-four statutes repealed along with the general act in 1824 , twenty had been passed since 1714 ; ten of these had been passed in Dublin and did not apply to England and one was specific to Scots miners .
23 Attempts to reform the education service in the 1930s had been frustrated by financial stringencies ( of the kind , for example , that led to the substitution of special for free places in secondary schools ) , by the conservative indifference towards education that marked the National Governments of the decade , and , perhaps most decisively , by the persistence of religious difficulties .
24 Thirty four patients had been maintained on delayed release mesalazine for a minimum of six months and 28 had been maintained on long term sulphasalazine .
25 Manley 's two earlier terms as Prime Minister in 1972-1980 had been marked by extensive state intervention in the economy .
26 A two-day visit to Port-au-Prince by the special mission of the Organization of American States ( OAS ) on Dec. 6-7 had been intended to further negotiations deadlocked the previous month in the Colombian city of Cartagena [ see p. 38569 ] .
27 Of the remaining 27 patients , eight had been referred with non-cardiac chest pain after negative cardiac investigations and 19 with suspected connective tissue involvement of the oesophagus .
28 By Sept. 21 eight people had died and more than 200 had been injured in this fighting .
29 The answer will depend on what assumptions are made about whether the £24,000 invoiced in 1989 had been included in full or in part in the 1989 accounts .
30 Five of those released on Christmas Eve 1772 had been gaoled for each owing 12s 8d , and were given half a crown ( 2s 6d ) on discharge .
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