Example sentences of "[num] that he [modal v] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 FRY President Dobrica Cosic warned in a message to UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Nov. 12 that he would dispatch the federal army to Bosnia to protect Serbs unless Croatia halted its offensive .
2 Even if the vendor is selling the whole of his trade , it seems from Inland Revenue Statement of Practice 8/81 that he can invest the proceeds of sale in acquiring new qualifying assets , as part of a new trade , and this will count as the same trade for roll-over relief purposes , so that his gain on the sale of the assets of the old trade is deferred .
3 The Socialist Party first secretary Laurent Fabius requested on Dec. 17 that he should have the opportunity to clear himself , by facing trial before a parliamentary high court , over the HIV-infected blood scandal [ see pp. 38544 ; 38978 ; 39161 ; R106 ] .
4 The Defence Minister Gen. ( retd ) Banchop Bunnak , stated on Aug. 11 that he would reveal the full results of the investigation into the May military crackdown " when the time was right " .
5 According to the Prussian ambassador to St Petersburg , he was relatively confident at the beginning of February 1848 that he could prevent the dissatisfaction which was mounting elsewhere in Europe from penetrating his domains .
6 After pressure from Chatichai , however , the Prince announced on April 24 that he would attend the meeting , but warned that it could achieve nothing of value because the invitation had not been extended to representatives of the Khmers Rouges .
7 Koty told French radio on June 24 that he would oppose the government from the territory of an unnamed neighbouring country ; he demanded the departure of President Idriss Déby , who , he said , was " dictatorial , nepotist , squandering public money " .
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