Example sentences of "[num] of [noun pl] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 London is , as well , the main place for entertainment , hundreds of cinemas especially in the ‘ West End ’ , costing a fortune of around twenty-five pounds .
2 The yellow splash of paint showed up hundreds of metres away in the bright sunshine .
3 You must have had hundreds of mistresses all over the world — ’
4 However it is not only the famous who give up their time as there are hundreds of missionaries all around the world trying to help people of the same and different religions through worship to God .
5 There was one door : set into one of the metal walls , it had an electronic lock that , while not as sophisticated as the transmat , was certainly hundreds of years away from the medieval technology of Arcadia .
6 They were carved laboriously out of the solid rock hundreds of years ago for the purpose of pounding soe , or ground bait , a practice that continued until late in the 19th century .
7 They had been built many hundreds of years ago by the people who lived on the moor .
8 As defiant shoppers and workers flooded back into Manchester city centre yesterday , police rejected claims they herded hundreds of workers directly into the path of the second bomb .
9 They were alone in the middle of acres of oak , hundreds of yards away from the nearest path .
10 If , for example , the shot is of an expanse of countryside , the camera may be many hundreds of yards away from the main feature , say a group of trees .
11 A close parallel to the view that it is wrong to record speakers without their knowledge may be found in the controversy which has surrounded the use of telephoto lenses in photography ; these ‘ spy ’ lenses are capable of taking photographs hundreds of yards away from the subject ( Greenhill , Murray and Spence 1977 : 18 ) .
12 In part this is because of the cyclical nature of demand — high profits in boom years are offset by high losses during recessions ( about $6 billion of losses worldwide during the mid-1980s ) — and in part because of plummeting prices .
13 And comparable complexity is repeated trillions of times elsewhere in the body as a whole .
14 With friends , and sometimes with sister Dannii , Kylie , like millions of youngsters all over the world , acted out her fantasies of pop stardom in front of her bedroom mirror .
15 It would have been no use asking him whether he thought there was a unifying purpose in life , whether it could really be chance that an animal so small that it could n't be seen by the naked eye could die millions of years ago in the depths of the sea and be resurrected by science to prove a man innocent or guilty .
16 That We must remember that 300 years ago British slavers dragged millions of Africans halfway round the world to work on British sugar plantations in the Caribbean ?
17 The Opencast Executive said the decision meant a lost opportunity to create 200 jobs with another 200 in service and supply industries , putting over £4 million of wages annually into the local economy over its proposed ten year life .
18 We were lucky and had survived , unlike so many others we had known and thousands of others all over the world .
19 However , other manufacturers , including the largest , Sir Robert Peel , found an alternative to both men and machinery by relocating their firms where cheap female labour was available to hand paint the cloth or else to print with wooden blocks studded with thousands of pins instead of the engraved blocks cut by the journeymen .
20 When the Prime Minister said in Blackpool recently that the trendy liberals in education ’ have had their say and had their day ’ hundreds of thousands of parents all over the country let out a huge sigh of relief .
21 Thousands of tonnes of rock and ice poured off the mountain travelling almost four miles , cutting a gash two miles wide and landing thousands of feet below on the Tasman Glacier , a popular tourist spot .
22 It is quite clear , however , that marked deformation does in fact occur within some continental regions which are thousands of kilometres away from the nearest plate boundary .
23 The spectacular pieces found during the past fifty years off the east coast have often contained prehistoric dragonflies , trapped thousands of years ago by the oozing liquid as it flowed from the tree trunk .
24 What saves computing from being as big a social embarrassment as accountancy , tax inspecting and supporting Manchester United is the fact that it 's possible to make contact with other Leeds fans at home and abroad by means of the vast electronic networks which interconnect thousands of computers right round the world .
25 Even though Durie and Hobbs were thousands of miles away at the time of Britain 's demise at the hands of the Asians in Melbourne last December , the pair nevertheless felt the pain their colleagues were suffering .
26 The turning point came when , thousands of miles away from the series ’ Melbourne home , the then controller of the BBC 's main channel ripped up his schedules in a bid to beat plunging ratings .
27 These deposits , thousands of miles inland from the nearest sea , indicate a period during which vast lakes developed .
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