Example sentences of "[num] over the next three [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On Feb. 26 , 1991 , the Anglo-Dutch food and cleaning products company , Unilever , announced that it would be cutting 5,500 jobs from a total workforce of 110,000 over the next three years .
2 Despite having an army of 285,000 ( to be cut to 250,000 over the next three years ) , France would have been hard-pressed to do more .
3 Education Secretary John Patten says the Government wants to boost the number of students in further education by 222,000 over the next three years .
4 ANALYSTS and advisers were yesterday lining up the next series of state asset sales and trying to see how the Government could increase the projected £19 billion over the next three years to reduce borrowing and fund tax cuts .
5 Mr Dewar , Labour spokesman on social security , said at the weekend that Chancellor Norman Lamont 's Budget proposals to increase tax by £17 billion over the next three years would punish the nation — particularly the low paid .
6 The manifesto contains a promise to invest £6,300 million over the next three years in the trunk road and motorway network , with concentration on the building of bypasses , a further 40 of which will be opened by 1995 .
7 As part of those programmes , on which we are committed to spend a further £1,400 million over the next three years , we are demolishing or redesigning tower blocks and deck access estates , rebuilding on a more human scale .
8 London Underground is planning to invest £3,500 million over the next three years .
9 The scheme , costing £45 million over the next three years , will see the creation of children 's clubs , childminding facilities and extended classes after school and during long holidays .
10 Spending on grant-maintained school buildings will top £500 million over the next three years , while overall capital spending should be maintained in real terms .
11 For that reason , we are spending more than £100 million over the next three years to provide accommodation for young single people .
12 That is estimated to cause a shortfall of £50 million over the next three years , which will eventually and inevitably make the problem worse .
13 The scheme could provide nearly 800 shelters at a cost of £1.8 million over the next three years .
14 The Bank 's commitment to fostering environmentally sound development projects was to be underscored by a pilot programme of concessional lending for projects which would yield benefits on matters of key international environmental concern , amounting to between $1,000 million and $1,200 million over the next three years .
15 The department will provide $19.5 million over the next three years to build Solar Two , a sum to be matched by the South California Edison Company and ten other industrial partners .
16 A further £12 million over the next three years will be made available for research into " clean coal " technology ( based largely on " topping cycle " gasification to reduce harmful emissions — see EDs 55 ; 64 ] .
17 The Department of Health will spend £300 000 over the next three years on testing the safety and effectiveness of new dental materials .
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