Example sentences of "[num] year [coord] [pers pn] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Also , I 've been on my own for 30 years and I 'm rather set in my ways .
2 However the subscription has not gone up for 2 years and it is only a 15p per week rise .
3 The position of Gaelic has deteriorated dramatically in the intervening forty years and it is now argued convincingly that a local language is itself a development tool .
4 ‘ I just told him I had n't won an Oscar for almost forty years and it was about time , that 's all .
5 my mum he 's been here forty year and she 's never lost never lost her accent .
6 Northamptonshire has been under Conservative control for the last eight years but it 's still tight .
7 Not many redwoods , or sequoias , exceeded 3000 years but they were generally considered the oldest living matter until the development of the Swedish increment borer enabled dendrologists ( people who study the natural history of trees ) to age a tree without felling it .
8 And he 's been there now about three years and they 're just surviving , and he 's says , I 'm earning roughly what I was here but I 'm working literally twice the hours .
9 I 've been on it for over three years and I 'm quite concerned about some of the things I 've heard tonight and I 'm going to make an appointment
10 ‘ I 've known him three years and he was always flush .
11 ‘ Sean had his shop at the corner of the Donegall Road and the Falls Road for 18 years and he was so well-known .
12 The mine in the gill had been established about 5 years but it is very likely that it would have been an old working re-opened .
13 The population of Snaith has doubled in the past 25 years but it is still small enough to ‘ know everybody ’ ; ask for people by name , rather than by their address !
14 The latest flare-up between the two countries — following last summer 's ball-tampering claims and counter-claims — is a direct result of Graveney 's remarks following the infamous Mike Gatting-Shakoor Rana row in 1987 , when he said : ‘ They have been cheating us for 37 years and it is just getting worse and worse . ’
15 After the infamous Mike Gatting-Shakoor Rana row in 1987 , Graveney , 65 , said of Pakistan : ‘ They 've been cheating us for 37 years and it is just getting worse and worse . ’
16 Tony , Jill and their son , Martin , have lived at the Old Rectory for twenty years and it is very much their home — as your hosts they will bring early morning tea ( if requested ) , and arrange numerous activities .
17 Yes , I do agree , Bill , and I think another reason why we 're more aware of it now is because we 've had unfortunately so many disasters in the last oh five/six years and we 're increasingly coming to realize that children do also suffer quite severely from post-trauma stress .
18 Guido 's won it for the past two years and he 's absolutely desperate to get a hat trick — though some of his rivals are equally desperate to see that he does n't . ’
19 Steve Jobs recently prophesied that desktop publishing as a separate market would be dead within two years and he 's quite probably right .
20 And again when they had been together for two years and he was still seeing other women : ‘ They were my protection against these feelings I had for her , ’ he said .
21 The award is given every two years and it is generally a requirement that the discovered drug is in therapeutic use .
22 ‘ I have been fascinated by the IBM Environment for the past 20 years and I am only too pleased to unravel its complexities to those of you attending this seminar .
23 Literature on the use of traditional Chinese medicine has existed in China for over 4000 years but it is only in recent times that western scientists have been alerted to its hidden potential .
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