Example sentences of "[num] time the [noun sg] of [det] " in BNC.

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1 Experts point out that the largest vessels are now 15-20 times the size of those at the time the Montreux Convention was signed .
2 Although these coarser grains can not be removed directly by the wind , the impact derived from saltation is able to move grains six times the size of those forming the saltation .
3 The unemployment rates among married heads of household moving from the owner-occupied to the local authority sector is about six times the rate of those moving in the opposite direction ( Murphy and Sullivan , 1986 ) .
4 A market three times the size of all the liberalising economies of Eastern Europe combined would suddenly be wide open .
5 It 's the time you shout at your boss and your colleagues because you 're sick of being taken for granted when you know you 've done three times the work of any man for half the recognition .
6 The plight of the Pakistani/Bangladeshi minority is particularly serious with unemployment rates almost three times the level of those among the white population .
7 MacLachlan , moreover , was not averse to seeking further advantages for himself , for while acknowledging Milton 's assistance in getting him a tack of two farms in Morvern for nineteen years , which would scarcely appear to be a short lease , he complained that he had been informed that other tenants had obtained tacks of three times the length of that which he had from the Duke of Argyll , urging that he could ‘ be as usefull as any in that Countrey by introduceing a cheap method of improvement and otherwise ’ .
8 Can the right hon. Gentleman explain why the Department of Transport , whose budget has increased three times the rate of that of the Scottish Office , can find £1.5 billion for additional railway improvements in the south of England , but can not find £80 million to electrify the Edinburgh-Aberdeen railway line ?
9 The capital was distinguished from provincial cities and towns on three counts : it was at least five times the size of any other , almost ten times as rich , and possessed a vastly more complex social and occupational structure .
10 High-precision laboratories can produce results with error terms of less than plus/minus 20 years ; they employ very carefully controlled measurement procedures , but they also require samples three to four times the size of those used by normal-precision , conventional laboratories .
11 but we , we set off in a big building , well a building about four times the size of this these houses and it was all sheet steel wrapped in polythene packages
12 This figure is all the more staggering when put in context : it is over four times the value of all Bolivia 's other export earnings that year and about equal to the entire country 's official gross national product .
13 Jupiter 's mass is 317.893 M E , which is more than times the mass of all the other planets put together .
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