Example sentences of "[num] in [num] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Because of the recession only six in ten of beds in the group 's 839 hotels were occupied compared with seven a year ago .
2 It is gratifying that , whereas 10 years ago only one in nine of visitors to Northern Ireland was a pure holiday visitor , the figure is now one in five .
3 With possibly one in three of adults in some African towns and cities already HIV infected , it is hard to know how to begin to help .
4 This report examined the particular needs and problems of one-parent families ( one in ten of families with children by 1971 ) , and many of its recommendations had educational implications : expansion of day care and nursery provision , encouragement of pregnant schoolgirls to continue their education , radical changes in the secondary school curriculum and in the careers guidance offered to girls to enable them to compete equally for better paid , traditionally male jobs , greater home-school contacts with more support from guidance staff for children known to be in one-parent families .
5 The figure of 49% would have been much higher but for the fact that only one in ten of farmers in Powys and Speyside saw this as a constraint on their future development .
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