Example sentences of "[v-ing] him [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He spurred forward to Moray 's side , urging him to bring him to the Regent , earls or none .
2 Alfonso took the oath , but he never forgave Rodrigo for forcing him to humble himself before the rest of his vassals .
3 Eventually I interrupted the diatribe to point out that I was paying him to take me to the newspaper , not for his opinions about it .
4 Gina had remained silent after Rune 's surprise announcement , allowing him to conduct her through the gates and across the road to the Mercedes .
5 The most upsetting thing was that it made her realise just how much she had been allowing him to guide her in the decision , putting her desire to leave the nurses ' home and her pleasure at Dr Entwistle 's recommendation very much in second place .
6 ‘ I suppose I 'd better see who it is , ’ he said savagely as she rolled away from him , allowing him to ease himself off the bed to gather his trousers from the floor .
7 ‘ A few seconds , ’ she replied , allowing him to help her onto the adjacent bar stool .
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