Example sentences of "[v-ing] as [pron] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Quite out of the blue her sense of the ridiculous erupted ; the parallel he 'd drawn appealed to her , and she found herself actually laughing as she handed him one of the bowls .
2 She renewed her make-up , pausing as she met her blue eyes in the mirror .
3 It 's circulation was peaking as it reached its fiftieth edition .
4 He had always believed her to be promiscuous — now he was probably convinced , she thought bitterly , her face flaming as she recalled her total abandon in his arms .
5 Just as birdsong awoke the unit , an owl is heard calling as it flies its nightly patrol over
6 For a while the man stood muttering and cursing as he clanked his heavy ring of keys , but at last he found the right one and they stepped on to the moonlit track which ran down like a strip of silver through the overhanging trees .
7 Turning around to peer up at him in the gathering darkness , Laura had no clue what he was thinking as she viewed his bland expression , which echoed the studied unconcern in his voice .
8 Caroline held her breath as they stood in the silence , watching as it began its final plunge , and , at just the moment it painted the world crimson , Nicolo put his hands on her shoulders .
9 Meantime Berndt gushed with the oil of social graces , pouring her a glass of wine she had no intention of drinking , ( she remembered the Tjerssens as Friend had shown her them , smiling as they gave you ruby venom ) , pouting when she refused his macaroons .
10 He held out his hands and she put hers into them , unresisting as he pulled her close and bent his head to hers .
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