Example sentences of "[v-ing] at her [noun] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Neighbouring women rushed in to comfort her and mourn with her ; and Harry , fuming at her ingratitude and smarting from yet another snub , stamped back to this cottage , where he found Ann weeping bitterly , with Tristram at her breast .
2 Julia smiled at him and then looked across the round table at Anthony as though to persuade him to get Comfort to behave better , but either he misunderstood her signals or did not care enough , for he sat , watching his sister , laughing at her jokes and joining in her reminiscences .
3 Her mind vacillated between laughing at her fears and suspecting a terrible mystery .
4 Wexford watched him feel for the girl 's hand , but she was occupied with Mrs Hatton , dabbing at her face and smoothing her hair .
5 This time she more or less flew straight to me , and I felt confident enough to fly her another three or four times , each one successfully , although eventually I sensed she was losing interest , fretfully tearing at her jesses and gazing round .
6 Neither are the risks merely physical when she encourages a direct association between looking at her art and consuming food and drink , but the vast array of psychological dynamics which can motivate purchases as humble as a cup of coffee guarantees that the decision to choose one bar over another is often less casual than browsing through galleries .
7 She stood frozen , still clutching the black dress against herself , looking at her husband and seeing only her world crumbling around her .
8 ‘ I keep looking at her face and saying ‘ Are you mine ? ’ ’
9 The prosecution at Teesside Crown Couret claims Bruce walked into Jenny Knight 's home in Middleton St George , near Darlington , and began looking at her belongings and putting aside pieces he wanted .
10 Carolyn smiled , sipping at her tea and putting it down because it was , in fact , cold .
11 She could feel the words buzz through her flesh , starting at her neck and travelling downwards , until her whole body seemed to burn internally with a heat that could have flashed the water around them to steam .
12 Peter often tried to describe what Kate looked like as she stood in the doorway , half in , half out , glancing at her watch and swinging an embroidered bag barely large enough to take a packet of cigarettes .
13 He tried to fight back , clutching at her throat and digging his thumbs into her Adam 's apple , but she bit into his thumb until she drew blood , kicking again at the big man .
14 ‘ In a way , Matey , in a way , ’ said Dr Neil , lazily catching at her hand and pressing it as she passed him .
15 ‘ The Master commends his slave for the quality of the breakfast as well as the weather , ’ said Dr Neil , catching at her hand and pressing it as she walked by .
16 She had spent the evening smouldering with resentment after his callous dismissal of her father 's death , but now the biblical phrases Luke had employed earlier were suddenly hammering at her brain and heightening her agitation , although she suspected that she was playing into his hands by allowing them to do so .
17 Maggie yelled , grabbing at her hair and pushing the swirling strands off her face furiously .
18 He shouted at Mariana , grabbing at her arms and dragging her upright .
19 There was authority in his voice and she felt a great surge of relief , as if he were plucking at her pain and releasing it .
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