Example sentences of "[v-ing] on a [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Previously restricted to the acid substrate of debarked pine twigs , this lichen is now appearing on a variety of surfaces .
2 landing on a mattress of arms to be
3 A player landing on a Point Of Order square must decide whether they want an Aye or No before picking a card and carrying out the instructions on the card ( for example — ‘ David Owen backs you , lose 50 votes ’ ) .
4 The other landings that night had varied success : two Germans killed south of Le Touquet ; a seaplane stalked in its anchorage near Boulogne , but it took off — no doubt unaware of the intruders — before they reached it ; and the other party saw nobody after landing on a waste of dunes .
5 Since the fable was written in 1965 , ending on a note of hope , the whole prodding apparatus has been formidably increased ; so too have the mounds of curricular sawdust .
6 Black pots stood steaming on a pair of hobs .
7 Gelada sexual dimorphism is only a part of a larger adaptive complex based on the fact that these baboons live in small groups in savanna grasslands subsisting on a diet of vegetable matter , presumably much as our hominid ancestors did .
8 In 1949 , Jean Cocteau , the poet , dramatist and film director , wrote a letter to the American people when returning on a plane from New York to France .
9 ‘ This girl and her brother were driving on a stretch of road that does n't exist anymore .
10 In fact , she thought , crunching on a piece of toast , she was pretty sure breakfast did n't feature much at all in this unknown life of hers .
11 He spoke pleasantly , as if passing on a gem of advice to a good friend .
12 When I was a boy living on a croft at Aywick , the corn bunting was a familiar bird .
13 Sadly John 's agent informed me , that ‘ Noakesy ’ was living on a houseboat in Spain without a telephone .
14 So people living on a kind of island along the Southern by pass , have to make a five mile detour by road to get back to their homes from Oxford .
15 McGuigan says his wife , Sandra , and their four children have been living on a knife-edge since Eastwood 's libel action .
16 This week Tom has been living on a glass of water , half a cup of tea and just one small dinner a day .
17 You see , for months he 's been living on a diet of Minpins , and a thousand Minpins is not even a snack for him .
18 Thus Marco Polo confidently assures us that the Andaman Islands were inhabited by dog-headed cannibals , while the Amazon women , whom he reported as living on an island near Socotra , turn up again , in identical form , in Columbus ' report on his second voyage to the West Indies , only this time they are inhabitants of Martinique .
19 This is where a group of neighbours , living on an estate in Guildford , Surrey , come in .
20 But in certain circumstances , the defendant may exculpate himself from liability either by raising doubts as to whether he had such an intention or awareness , or by establishing on a balance of probabilities the defence that he lacked mens rea .
21 Christmas in an hotel room is n't everyone 's idea of bliss , but Kenneth 's presence makes it home , and we spend the morning sitting in bed listening to a carol service on the radio , watching Walt Disney and nibbling on an assortment of Marks and Spencer goodies before the heat of the room rendered them inedible .
22 A police spokesman said : ‘ It was a particularly nasty crime , picking on a woman in distress .
23 Now , new evidence from Robert T Bush , a professor at California State University acting on an idea from Randell L Mills , President of HydroCatalysis Power Corporation , vindicates the original findings of Professors Fleischmann and Ponns .
24 An evening meeting on a Tuesday at Kempton is not one of racing 's most glamorous occasions .
25 Stunning strikes by Kenny Irons and Pat Nevin levelled matters , with Nevin then capitalising on a mix-up between keeper Gerry Peyton and Shane Westley to grab the winner seven minutes from time .
26 Capitalising on a slip by Gough , he pulled the ball back for 21-year-old Croatian striker Alen Boksic , who slid his shot well beyond Goram .
27 You can not create a constitution just by writing on a piece of paper , as the French are so fond of doing .
28 But the paper was so damp that his pen merely furrowed it , as if he were writing on a slab of butter .
29 A buzzard hung in the wind , balancing on a current of air .
30 DID you hear the one about 16 English men , eight Scots , four Welsh and two Irishmen going on a trip to New Zealand … ?
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