Example sentences of "[v-ing] on [pron] [noun] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 By passing on his skills he has given other youngsters the incentive to go on to achieve greater things .
2 Erm but you will find quite a lot of relevant material in and , or alternatively and , depending on which edition you 've got and and elsewhere also .
3 The following table shows how the repayment period varied for each of the four main samples , once people knew all the cost information , depending on what order they had been shown each set of cost figures .
4 oh there 's loads and loads of stuff erm tt which I think people can use flexibly in different circumstances , you know , depending on what information they have about somebody so
5 Erm , depending on your relationship you have , if however , you keep a log of your interruptions erm , well this is the way I recommend you do it .
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