Example sentences of "[v-ing] it [adv] [adj] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It sweeps southward from the Pacific coast of Central America , diverting the cold , nutrient-rich Humboldt Current away from the South American mainland , or sometimes forcing it as much as 50 m beneath the waves .
2 Leapor here treats the task of cleaning it as normal and manageable .
3 Although Aquino insisted that the plan had the support of at least 15 members of the 23-strong Senate , the Senate President and key opponent of a continued US presence , Jovito Salonga , remained suspicious of the plan , characterizing it as vague and ill-defined and insisting that all combat troops had to be withdrawn within one year .
4 They can abandon the reading , characterising it as obscure or nonsensical ( this would be the autonomous reader-dominated node of the network ) .
5 Medical definitions implemented in the Contagious Diseases legislation made visible the perceived threat of the prostitute , by focusing on her sexuality and isolating it as unnatural and deviant .
6 To change the window 's shape , you can create width by extending the curtain fixture beyond the sides of the window and placing it as close as possible to the architrave at the top of the window .
7 With half a tank of fuel on board , the Renault weighs 1580kg , making it comfortably heavier than any of its chosen rivals and ensuring that the Safrane 's power-to-weight ratio of 108bhp per tonne is the meanest of its class , too .
8 Most modern machines have maximum launching speeds of 70 knots or so , making it relatively difficult and unusual for the launch to overspeed .
9 According to the doctor , after the Russian army invaded the museum , members of the family and all museum officials were ordered out at gunpoint , making it highly unlikely that any affectionate gifts were tendered to the occupying officers .
10 It clashes with his skin colour , making it more dunglike than usual .
11 And its feminist interests in social relations link it with disciplines like sociology and history , making it more interdisciplinary than most psychology , maintaining its hopes for change and even a complete paradigm shift in the discipline ( e.g. Parlee 1979 , 1981 ) .
12 This worry increases physiological arousal , making it more likely that physical symptoms will occur in the future ; an upwardly spiralling vicious circle soon gets established .
13 The King , however , was disinclined to anything other than an exchange of courtesies , once again making it quite clear that any attempt to detach Prussia from the rest of Germany was a fruitless exercise .
14 Move up and left , then continue more or less directly ( making it as difficult as possible ) to reach the large halfway ledge and the start of the real meat .
15 Cries could be heard from the stairs as the policemen tried to make their way up to the landing , the remaining boys making it as difficult as possible for them in the hope that their brother would get away .
16 This organisation happily ploughs a furrow totally at odds with the notion of free trade , by making it as difficult as Possible for non-German companies to sell their wares in Germany without DIN approval — even where EEC law says that the only approval necessary is from the country of origin .
17 Making it as difficult as possible for them to come in by setting up barriers doing things , perhaps a at night , putting like some timer switches in the rooms that you 're likely to be sitting in .
18 The use or significance of ‘ stills ’ and long shots in this context is that they tend to lessen the impact of the coverage , making it less attractive and exciting , thus diminishing , so the argument goes , the likelihood of imitation .
19 They are collectively responsible for appointments , making it less likely that one person will be unreasonably held to blame if anything goes wrong .
20 She had hoped he would stay for a chat with her parents , but he was making it very obvious that that was n't part of his plan .
21 Of course , matters are not helped by the fact that many men have difficulty in talking about the problem at all , often finding it both distressing and embarrassing .
22 However , there can be problems , specifically because of the fashion for breeding it as small as possible , which at one time was taken to dangerous extremes .
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