Example sentences of "[v-ing] the [noun sg] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was allowing the Defence Forces to expand at last .
2 We might feel tempted to say that Wittgenstein 's account may be true of sensations ; but that there is no such thing as a sensation of blue , and so there is no reason why a private linguist could not start by naming the way things look to him before moving on to the more difficult talk of the way things actually are .
3 Using the fluid inclusions trapped in quartz , one of the most common minerals associated with metalliferous ores , precision rubidium-strontium isochrons have been obtained for the actual ore fluids .
4 Stability : the unit sits squat and stable , just over 3in high , without using the stabiliser legs supplied with the kit .
5 Unless the system tablespace is to be used by this account then the ORACLE database administrator should create a new tablespace ( using the size guidelines presented in section 2.2.1 ) and then link this tablespace to the new user by entering the following SQL*Plus commands :
6 Appendix E contains some frequency counts of word shape information using the zone codes introduced in section , for a number of different word lengths .
7 But the Travelling Workshops Experiment report went on to say that : ‘ … although the new approach was welcomed , few librarians actually took advantage of the opportunity to evaluate their user-education programmes by using the evaluation materials provided by the TWE as part of each package ’ .
8 For paper SPRs , the SPR identifier should already identify the paper form and should also have been allocated by LIFESPAN , using the paper ranges specified in the configuration file .
9 In order to provide evidence for the view that the context can act as a retrieval cue ( or exert conditional control over an association ) , it is necessary , as a first step , to demonstrate context-specificity using the control procedures recommended by Lovibond et al .
10 It can also be addressed by using the access funds provided by the Government .
11 Ferrari and Ibañez , however , originally obtained their solution using the soliton techniques mentioned in Section 12.6 .
12 Additionally , the need for those with small children to take all their leave during school holidays would be reduced , thus easing the management difficulties associated with peak holiday periods .
13 Follow the method for attaching the extension rails according to the instructions in the manual on page 26 .
14 The first post-war Dutch government , a centrist coalition reflecting the myriad interests represented under the List System , was led by the Labour Premier , professor W. Schmerhom .
15 The barn served as a hanger for their Gazelle helicopter , which now stood illuminated by the floodlights on the roof , its belly reflecting the landing lights set in cement housings .
16 Literary studies are increasingly directed towards cultural studies , of understanding the way texts operate with social structures .
17 It was a particularly testing time at British Steel as we were still engaged in the major retrenchment exercise and we also had the very difficult task of keeping the steel mills operating during the miners ' strike .
18 This leaves ground for misunderstandings and may lead to a disappointed purchaser seeking to reduce the purchase consideration by disputing the accounting policies used for the completion accounts .
19 This information will be particularly useful when checking the recording costs debited to the band 's royalty statement .
20 Inside the churches I could feel intense devoutness , and recalled the ejaculations shouted after La Macarena in Seville , so truly reverent yet passionate , reminiscent of medieval mystery plays ' earthy realism and at the same time resembling the way men call after girls in the street .
21 Parents may then need help in establishing the setting cues associated with eating .
22 The research is directed towards establishing the ground rules to assist with the formation of design teams in industry , by investigating the relationship between designer characteristics , product characteristics and company organisations .
23 The old man stretched out his hand towards me and demanded ‘ un Franc ’ which he fed into an electricity meter , causing the church lights to blaze into life .
24 Women hold few seats : in the late 1980s , about 30% in the Nordic PR countries , 5-20% in many others whose parties , in filling the party lists used in PR , take little , if any , note of this ; and 5-15% in FPTP countries .
25 Examined in detail ( Fig. 5.7 ) this simple model repeats the problems of fitting the city wards identified by both the Shotgun and the Focused models , but adds to this a tendency towards relative over-prediction in the rural wards to the north and east of the area .
26 It also penetrates more deeply into the skin than UVB , damaging the elastin fibres resulting in sagging and wrinkling .
27 Thank you for your letter of the 5 November 1992 enclosing the District Councils request for information for the preparation of the district wide local plan .
28 ordering the word senses according to frequency is desirable , and the inclusion of co-occurrence information shows promise ;
29 Some of our children were writing the number symbols used in Pakistan and Bangladesh .
30 Implying the piece rates paid to nominally independent cottage craftsmen by the capitalists who controlled most rural industry , ‘ profits ’ looks like an elliptical term for ‘ wages ’ .
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