Example sentences of "[v-ing] the [noun] [noun pl] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The structure of the animal 's behaviour will be adapted to all these features in ways that in past generations have been most successful in transmitting the gene complexes of individuals into the future .
2 Using the machine logs of searches on EXP and CTL , we classified responses to the situation where the system can not find a word into " good " or " bad " .
3 Three trends are shaping the living standards of households with children .
4 His friend Dr Burney , not a Cambridge man , expressed similar concern at Smart 's lack of discretion : ‘ While he was the pride of Cambridge and the chief poetical ornament of that University , he ruined himself by returning the tavern treats of strangers who had invited him as a wit and an extraordinary personage , in order to boast of his acquaintance ’ .
5 There are almost always problems of defining the end points of scales relating to , for instance , ‘ honesty ’ .
6 In practice , the issue of new currency in the United Kingdom is geared towards meeting the expenditure requirements of consumers .
7 Finally , studies investigating the communication styles of parents were found to produce conflicting results .
8 For centuries , there had not been enough grain in the province to feed its people ; then the speculators from the north and the west had overrun the plains and seized the common pastureland to make their profits in cereals ; the great erratic storms of the Ninfanian hinterland burst over the thin fields and washed away the soil , turning the sheep runs of centuries into enclosed wasteland .
9 Prostitutes ' organizations , however , opposed the move , arguing that it would fail in its objective of improving the working conditions of prostitutes .
10 Other chlorine release agents : Commercial formulations are aimed at providing the performance advantages of hypochlorites while reducing the number of disadvantages .
11 On 29th April , 1971 the Guerilla Art Action Group sent letters to Nixon , Agnew , and Kissinger exhorting them to ‘ Eat What You Kill ’ , and providing the market prices of brains , tongues , blood and heads .
12 It lies on an estate run by the Ital-Reding Foundation , and its main building is the Ital-Reding mansion , built in 1609 , which combines features that are typical of local farmhouse architecture with baroque trends befitting the town houses of families of that era which had " done well " in mercenary service abroad .
13 Like other officials , his Permanent Secretary , Sir Anthony Part , is unhelpful — because ‘ the Civil Service is defending the class interests of owners and professional people ’ .
14 By cutting the state salaries of clergy and ending religious domination of education , the republican government pushed into opposition the near 25% of the Spanish population who were Catholics .
15 Thus , as Austerberry and Watson point out , government 's efforts to increase the proportion of owner occupied housing in this country has the unintended consequence of profoundly affecting the property rights of women , particularly when marriage ends .
16 The evidence suggests that the trends which are adversely affecting the living standards of families with children have hit Black households hard .
17 Factory representation — a sales supervisor supervising the sales activities of distributors or dealers on behalf of the manufacturer .
18 It is too much to hope that EMI will raid its archives for Solomon 's Chopin , Debussy or Haydn but to keep the work of one of the greatest exponents of the Beethoven sonatas under wraps for so long ( the sonata recordings were last issued in 1972 ) is simply incredible ; especially considering the efforts EMI have gone to in issuing the Beethoven recordings of others .
19 Comparing the energy values of mixes with straights you can see that they are pretty similar .
20 One result of this has been the pervasive influence of linguistic methodology upon such studies of objects as have developed in recent decades ; and while the rise of semiotics in the 1960s was advantages in that it provided for the extension of linguistic research into other domains , any of which could be treated as a semiotic system ( e.g. Eco 1976 : 9–14 ) , this extension took place at the expense of subordinating the object qualities of things to their word-like properties .
21 In support of this ‘ inside ’ strategy , there were other members of Reagan 's staff out in the grass roots exploiting the constituency orientations of members of Congress , those who might provide the swing votes on key roll calls .
22 ‘ A managing director of one of my companies is a great believer in studying the star signs of applicants before employing them in the company .
23 Talking in a loud voice whilst approaching a hide is the guaranteed way to become an expert in identifying the back ends of birds flying off in a panic .
24 Units are also available from courses in accounting and psychology , thus broadening the employment prospects of graduates .
25 One of the factors influencing the career decisions of professionals is opportunity for career advancement , which has been limited in this field until recently .
26 After watching the eye movements of subjects during REM sleep , and then obtaining reports from them of intense visual imagery , it seems only natural to assume that one has something to do with the other .
27 Indicative Drug Budgets will act as an aid to monitoring the prescribing costs of GPs rather than as a direct cash payment to them from which they pay the pharmacists .
28 John Dunsheath , a 20year-old food packer , had been seen trying the door handles of cars parked outside a Renault dealers in Weld Road , Southport .
29 John Dunsheath , a 20-year-old food packer , had been seen trying the door handles of cars parked outside a Renault dealers in Weld Road , Southport .
30 Down in VT Control the machines bearing the master reels of 2″ videotape have been synchronously linked to the studio 's cameras and stand all ready to run , this news too being passed up to the gallery of Studio D , Lime Grove .
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