Example sentences of "[v-ing] to a [noun sg] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 've got some splendid beasts here , ’ Theodora said , reverting to a topic more likely to command his attention .
2 This might be explained by sub-lithospheric thermal anomalies causing uplift without penetrative magmatism developing to a point where volcanic activity occurs at the surface .
3 As one young woman I spoke to put it : ‘ I thought at least I 'll be going to a place where these people are not my parents so they wo n't be able to put a hand on me . ’
4 Madeleine replied with the news that she had been promoted and was moving to a town not twenty miles away .
5 Not only are they moving away , but often they are also moving to a place totally unsuitable for elderly people .
6 Ben had hardly put his feet on the ground when , from the side of the house , there emerged what appeared to be a mob of children coming at them in a rush and then skidding to a halt about three yards distant .
7 In use the banding clamp is adjusted before gluing to a diameter slightly larger than that of the assembled segments .
8 Leaving this setting and changing to a role where qualitative evaluation is more relevant and personal effectiveness in bringing about the desired changes can be more easily assessed can be stressful .
9 These suggest that the bulge is permeated by very hot gas with temperatures near 10 8 K ( hotter than the centre of the Sun ) and densities 0.03–0.06 hydrogen nuclei per cubic centimetre , corresponding to a pressure nearly 1,000 times higher than that measured in the solar vicinity .
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