Example sentences of "[v-ing] in [noun] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , according to Zakrewski the government has ruled that the duty-free import quotas will only be divided up among home-grown or foreign companies that have been assembling in Poland for two years , while other firms will face levies at the old rates .
2 The burden of the message was that good men were dying in Belfast for lesser sins than MacQuillan was committing and unless he changed the Post 's tune he would be shot .
3 After driving in silence for ten minutes , Maxim said suddenly : .
4 One may be amused — though not very — that after living in Italy for forty-five years Max still could not speak Italian , but such insularity is not to be imitated .
5 ‘ No , I am American , from the East Coast , but I have been living in England for some time . ’
6 The Cossarts were Huguenots but had been living in Ireland for many years .
7 We had been living in Canaan for ten years when Abraham started inviting me to his tent .
8 Originally from Inverness , Mr Cordial and his family have been living in Durham for 40 years .
9 But that belonged to a white person who was , who could speak Punjabi very well , I think he wa he has been living in India for some time .
10 There are more than a few Hungarians who would happily revert to the good old days of Kadarism , when the Hungarian president , Janos Kadar ( 1956–1986 ) , offered the ‘ cheeriest barracks ’ in eastern Europe a relatively high standard of living in return for political passivity .
11 Sabine , whose mother is German and father is Irish , has been living in Stuttgart for one year .
12 In fact , a number of political parties and movements have been operating in Lithuania for some time , as in Estonia and Latvia ; the constitutional change merely recognises the existing situation .
13 Cricket in Australia had been declining in popularity for some years , not helped by an abject England team two seasons before , and the excitement that West Indies generated by their enterprising play was unbounded , culminating in a vast ticker-tape send-off when the tour was over .
14 She stood on the stairs by the open window , waiting for the next stroke of the bell , waiting in fact for this sign of Ernest 's madness .
15 Pitts ( 1986 ) quotes Midland Probation Service figures which indicate that the second highest category of offence resulting in arrest for young blacks are those arising from confrontation with the police , offences he notes , which occur after the police arrive .
16 The principal advantage of a share option scheme , approved by the Revenue under the Finance Act 1984 , is that key personnel can be rewarded with an equity holding in return for continuing loyalty and enterprise .
17 He had been badly injured in the war , staying in hospital for four years and undergoing twenty-eight operations .
18 Isabella 30,000 Lire credit at the beach restaurant for all guests staying in August for 7 nights or more .
19 Mike just a point of information I have been teaching in Harlow for twenty years and I 've never been asked by anybody at the playhouse what play 's who 's like to see in my school .
20 The third document was another letter , which I got laser printed and 100 copies made , to all the residents within a quarter mile of Donkey Lane , telling them who we were and what was going to happen , and apologising in advance for any inconvenience ( including the lorries ) .
21 And you could live in the country on what you 're wasting in rent for this dump ! ’
22 The principles of the NBS , brainchild of A1 Garden Aquaria 's Peter Oakes , were outlined in last month 's column , but little did I imagine that the device itself would be in my hands so soon afterwards , let alone up and running in time for this update .
23 Though people have been bungee jumping in Britain for 12 years , most notably from the Clifton suspension bridge in Bristol , it is only recently that commercial operators have begun to spring up .
24 Even before autumn sets in , gardeners start thinking about spring and putting in bulbs for next year
25 Fifty staff are putting in £13/4m for 85 p.c. of the equity with venture capital backing from Baronsmead and 3i .
26 The Tannoy announces the opening of the buffet , and up we get , not stopping for an instant to reflect that even standing in line for seven hours outside Moscow 's GUM department store in pursuit of half a mouldy cabbage would be a more profitable venture than a futile pilgrimage to a British Rail catering outlet .
27 Girls had obviously been standing in line for this man from the first day he 'd put on long trousers — or even earlier , she thought grimly .
28 A tantrum can be a simple process of children losing their temper , lying on the kitchen floor , and screaming in anger for two minutes .
29 It was great and probably would have been with the exception of the video going to number one , it probably would be the highlight of our career cos we 'd been out of had n't been working in Ireland for six years and we were back in and did a sell out concert tour and I think that was really good .
30 It uses two microprocessors working in parallel for maximum reliability , and each microprocessor has a nonvolatile memory to aid service diagnosis .
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