Example sentences of "[v-ing] in [noun] [conj] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Fantastic painted foliage is appearing in streets and adorning gable walls , bringing the country into the city .
2 When people were already living in towns and storing grain from year to year , the crops hit upon a new strategy for propagating their own kind .
3 This belief in the interrelationship of life in all its forms may find corroboration from St. Paul who speaks of the whole creation groaning in pain and awaiting deliverance from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God .
4 But they will select dishes absolutely swimming in butter or choose cheese instead of dessert .
5 A spokesman for the bank said it is to cut down on queues forming in branches and delaying service to its customers .
6 He also saw social antagonisms growing in Palestine and advised charity and justice .
7 For managers , this path means continually retraining employees for more complex tasks ; automating in ways that cut routine tasks and enhance worker flexibility and creativity ; diffusing responsibility for innovation ; taking seriously labor 's concern for job–security ; and giving workers a stake in improved productivity through profit-linked bonuses and stock plans .
8 And as for that damned woman down the road , by now her child will be passing music exams , riding in gymkhanas and winning poetry competitions in the local paper .
9 I was probably reacting in part because leaving Genesis was a sad note .
10 While he ran thorough hands and eyes over his shattered body , Kathleen started cleaning up the chest area ready for the heart monitor after checking the IV line that was running in Haemacel and taking blood for cross-matching , dodging round the radiographer who had brought the portable in and was taking X-rays .
11 A comprehensive energy efficiency labelling scheme for houses has been launched by MVM , a consultancy specialising in property and planning information .
12 Gordon has extensive experience of the textile industry , specialising in production and planning control .
13 While serving as agent in Canton for merchants in India and Singapore , and dealing in export and import commerce , he speculated in the opium trade which , although illegal , offered the greatest profits .
14 She also wished he would stop talking in riddles and make sense .
15 Working in groups or utilising classroom discussion could be a useful approach .
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