Example sentences of "[v-ing] a [adj] [noun sg] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 Cultural artefacts and occurrences often previously perceived on the margins of what constituted the culture — for example how a culture defined and treated insanity — were recognised as an aid in revealing a great deal about the cultural orders celebrated at a society 's centre ( e.g. the way court ceremony was enacted ) .
2 In 1968 the lady was traced to her home in Paris where Rasputin 's splendid organ was still intact and resembling a well-ripened banana about a foot in length .
3 An American actor called Spalding Gray had a bit part , but this did n't prevent him from developing a one-man act about the making of the film called Swimming to Cambodia which was made into a film in 1987 , directed by Jonathan Demme .
4 The spaceport was off in the distance ahead of them , a giant depression in the midst of the great glacial plateau of ice — the City 's edge forming a great wall about the outer perimeter .
5 I 'm writing a long article about the horrors of the diet and exercise industry . ’ )
6 This was much more than I expected when I first had the idea in 1982 of writing a popular book about the universe .
7 Lord Attenborough is directing a new film about the life of Oxford Don and writer CS Lewis .
8 ‘ Countryside interpretation ’ tends to mean static displays aimed at informing a receptive public about the life and geology of the area they are visiting .
9 ‘ No constituency will select her , of course , ’ one of the MPs remarked after a female candidate had been passed for the list , reflecting a certain realism about the whole process .
10 And at least he could rely on Freeborn to answer it without initiating a philosophical discussion about the basis of the self .
11 Families who were used to servants , but were now finding domestic staff hard to come by , took immediately to the idea of having a young refugee about the house .
12 Having a distinctive view about the origin of personality , as well as the structures they might find , these survey users were not nearly so preoccupied with representative samples , but rather with analyses showing intercorrelations between sets of attitudes and other social behaviour .
13 " Oh Jim , " we can say , " we are just having a little chat about the I.R.A . "
14 Our first priority must therefore be to work towards achieving a common understanding about the aims of in class support teaching , and then draw up clear guidelines about the implications of those aims in terms of our classroom practice .
15 I can only go on reading their case notes , and knowing a little bit about the home situation from talking to folks … ’
16 Having a policy for aesthetic education means making a coherent statement about the nature and scope of aesthetic experience , about the school 's provision for aesthetic development and including an account of the criteria by which student progress will be measured .
17 He and Odd-Knut shovel away the snow to reach the ice , making a large hole about a metre deep , and Nathan jumps in and starts to brace and bit with enthusiasm .
18 The very notion of making a literary point about the writer 's relation to language , however true , will have a cruelly mocking echo .
19 Which she totally buggered up by getting us to sing the theme from Aspects Of Love and then making a big speech about the Pope .
20 It 's a really terrible thing to have happened to such a sweet couple , ’ Carole murmured warmly , putting a comforting arm about the other girl 's shoulder .
21 Where do you go post two thousand and six , for example , in obtaining a strategic view about the distribution of growth around York , and in the Greater York area .
22 This time it is the home team briefing a visiting General about the Sandhurst courses .
23 When you watch the video you will find yourself following a short story about a young girl , unsure just what the future will unfold for her , in her search for a career .
24 Following a short interview about the further offence , the officer whom he had requested to see told him that he could not ask him any questions about the early offence for which he had already been charged but said that he could make a statement if he wished .
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