Example sentences of "[v-ing] a [noun] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I can remember one standard lamp we had , it was really weird and people used to say that 'll be alright if you were landing a plane cos it had spotlights , I mean now , they , erm , in fact you can still buy the same sort of thing , but then it was so way out
2 Lotus is believed to have devoted $30m over four years developing a database that it cancelled in 1989 — just before it bought a 15% stake in Sybase Inc , sold again in 1992 .
3 To liberate desire from oppression is not — could never be — a matter of resuming or regaining a desire/subjectivity as it existed prior to discrimination .
4 Gangs tend to pick on houses rather than businesses , torturing a family until it hands over its money ( many Vietnamese keep all their cash at home ) .
5 Make a point of trying to keep absolutely straight rather than just correcting a swing when it happens .
6 I noticed Nick Faldo was pulling a trolley and it made me curious .
7 In making such judgments one is in much the same position as a journalist describing a battle after it had taken place from the bar of a hotel , for the pressures in the 'sixties were very great and very immediate and those of us in the Ministries of Education responded to them as best we knew how .
8 Most people prefer to avoid pursuing a claim if it means going to court because of the expense , which can sometimes end up being more than the amount of money in dispute .
9 He 's declaring that he 's using a taxi and it costs him a hundred and sixty pound a month , every day back and forwards to work , well everyone knows that 's a lie cos she takes him to work
10 ‘ We can tell very quickly what 's happening , so we can tackle the problem as soon as it arises rather than using a pesticide until it fails .
11 So , if we are grooming a horse and it tries to cow-kick us , we retaliate with a sharp verbal reproach or a smack with the flat of the hand , and usually the horse decides to accept that we are the boss and minds its manners in the future .
12 Just 19 months later it achieved the dubious distinction of being the only Royal Commission to be wound up without producing a report when it collapsed over internal differences as to the scope of its report and how it should proceed .
13 He stressed , however , that Pakistan had no intention of producing a bomb as it wished to concentrate on economic development .
14 However , the laws may well be useful for transforming a program after it has been developed , or for making a program more amenable to some proof technique .
15 It was holding a newspaper and it belonged to an old gentleman .
16 A herring gull ( G ) hardly moving a feather as it follows a boat , the long wings are foreshortened dramatically as we view them from the side
17 Do be very careful , though , when having a go since it takes a little getting used to and falls can be very uncomfortable , to say the least .
18 The road beyond Glenelg turns a corner into Gleann Beag , reaching a junction where it crosses a river bridge and a minor road continues up this lovely valley .
19 Andy would like to see canoeing increasing a lot but it needs marketing outside the trade through the national media .
20 Albert throwing a stone and it falling .
21 I had even made up a 19 foot rod with an astronomical test curve and weighing a ton but it made no difference !
22 A muzzle is used to prevent your ferret killing a rabbit as it progresses through the various holes within the warren system bolting as many rabbits as it can .
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